10th I walked in company with Elder Hale to Colleinsville I had an
interview with Samuel Barber uncle Ozem was assisting
in building a stone dam across the river at Collensville. I visited a
pine grove that I often retired to in 1830 for prayer & meditation
I had many interesting seasons by day & by night while tending
a mill for Collins in 1830, in the pine grove above spoken of. I
spent about 3 hours in this hours groves reading the book of mormon
and prayer. I met at the city hall in Colleinsville at 6 oclock PM
for the purpose of preaching the gospel to the people. immediat-
ely after I arose and commenced speaking the beating of
drums was herd at the doors laughing & sneering was prev-
ilen [prevalent] in the congregation the prysbeterian Priest was en-
raged against the truth as soon as I closed the priest hurried
himself to the place whare I stood I was immediately surro-
unded by the congregation. The priest said I had no righ[t]
to enjoy my opinion he became angry & said many verry
inconsistant thinkgs after presenting him with some cutting
truths he left me. & rege the priest & the people with very
few exceptions rejected us & our testimony Brother Hale
& Ozem Woodruff & myself repaird to the groves for
prayer we had a good time. We spent the time or night at BMr Bush distance of the day 3 miles
~ Tuesday
101th We walked to Uncle Ozem Woodruff. Brother Hale & myself
repaired to a stream of pure water & we there cleansed our hands
and feet and bore testimony before God against Mr Vanarsdalen
a prysbeterian pryste priest who rejected our testimony
& against the whole villedge who rejected our testimony
I preached at the Lovly Street schoolhouse at candlelight
upon the authenticity of the Book of Mormon the people gave good
attention I spent the night at Uncle Ozem Woodruffs We
conversed upon the things of the kingdom untill the following Day
~ Wednesday
12th And during the night at 2 oclock AM, Uncle Ozem Woodruff &
his houshold believed the fullness of the everlasting gospel &
I led them fourth at the same hour of the night and baptized
them for the remission of their sins, being three of them, viz
Ozem Woodruff, Hannah Woodruff, & John Woodruff,
their son. Glory to God in the Highest for this blessing the Lord
hath given me the desires of my heart in this think thing which
is in fulfillment of a vision given me in 1818 all is now fulfilled
~ Monday
10th I walked in Company with Elder Hale to Collinsville I had an
interview with Samuel Barber Uncle Ozem was assisting
in building a stone dam across the river at Collensville. I visited a
pine grove that I often retired to in 1830 for prayer & meditation
I had many interesting seasons by day & by night while tending
a mill for Collins in 1830, in the pine grove above spoken of. I
spent about 3 hours in this groves reading the book of mormon
and prayer. I met at the city hall in Collinsville at 6 oclock PM
for the purpose of preaching the gospel to the people. immediat
ely after I arose and commenced speaking the beating
of drums was herd at the doors laughing & sneering was prev
ilen prevalent in the congregation the Prysbeterian Priest was en
raged against the truth as soon as I closed the priest hurried
himself to the place whare I stood I was immediately surro
unded by the congregation. The priest said I had no right
to enjoy my opinion he became angry & said many verry
inconsistant things after presenting him with some cutting
truths he left me. the priest & the people with very
few exceptions rejected us & our testimony. Brother Hale
& Ozem Woodruff & myself repair'd to the groves for
prayer we had a good time. We spent the time or night at
Mr Bush distance of the day 3 miles
~ Tuesday
11th we walked to uncle Ozem Woodruff. Brother Hale & myself
repaired to a stream of pure water & we there cleansed our hands
and feet and bore testimony before God against Mr Vanarsdalen
a Prysbeterian priest who rejected our testimony
& against the whole villedge who rejected our testimony
I preached at the Lovly street schoolhouse at candle light
upon the authenticity of the Book of Mormon the people gave good
attention I spent the night at uncle Ozem Woodruffs We
conversed upon the things of the Kingdom untill the following day
~ Wednesday
12th And during the night at 2 oclock AM, uncle Ozem Woodruff &
his houshold believed the fullness of the everlasting gospel &
I led them fourth at the same hour of the night and baptized
them for the remission of their sins, being three of them. viz
Ozem Woodruff, Hannah Woodruff, & John Woodruff,
their son. Glory to God in the Highest for this blessing the Lord
hath given me the desires of my heart in this thing which
is in fulfillment of a vision given me in 1818 all is now fulfilled
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"Journal (December 29, 1833 – January 3, 1838)," July 10, 1837 - July 12, 1837, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 8, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/r52