July 2nd I took the parting hand with Brother DWebster & I bid him God speed & he returned to his friends
I also took the parting hand with Sister Anna Cossett & her two daughters Betsey & Anna, may the
Lord bless them. I enjoyed a plesant walk with Sister Eunice at the setting sun we walked upon
the canal We viewed the river & plesant fields and partook of some buries [berries] by the way side this is the
last walk I have enjoyed with my sister. After evening prayers with the family Father retired to rest &
I spent a season in compnversation with Mother & we felt sensibly the weight of the powers of temptation
that try the souls of men but out of them all the Lord delivers his Saints. I also spent a short time
with Sister Eunice before retireing. We mingled our sympathy's tears & prayers together before a Throne
of grace, truly how strong is the cord of consanguinity of& of the Blood of Christ united in binding the
hearts of Saints together. And how blessings brighten as they take there flight this was the last night
I spent beneath my fathers roof May the Lord protect thy household & bring thee safe to Zion
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