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Day in the Life

Nov 2, 1839

Journal Entry

November 02, 1839 ~ Saturday

2nd [FIGURE 1] I wrote a letter to Br Nathaniel Thomas. [FIGURE 4] I copied a short extract from A paper
as follows. Moses Montifier's brother in Law to Rothchild lately visited Egypt & made
three proposal to the Pacha of Egypt. 1st to esstablish a bank in Egypt with a Capitol
of $10,000000 dollars. 2nd To Purchase lands in Syria for the Jews. 3rd To make the
oath of the Jews Admitbable through Syria & Palestine


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2 mentions
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6 mentions
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2 mentions
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Thomas, Nathaniel
1 Jan 1803 - 5 Jul 1844
72 mentions


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Daybook (8 August 1839 - 12 January 1840)
2nd [FIGURE] I wrote a letter to Brother Nathaniel Thomas. I copied a short extract from a paper as follows Moses Montifier's Brother in Law to Rothchild lately visited Egypt & made three proposals to the pacha of Egypt 1st to esstablish a bank in Egypt with a capitol of $10,000,000 of dollars. 2nd to purchase lands in Syria for the Jews. 3rd to make the oath of the Jews admitable through Syria & palestine


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Times and Seasons, official Church newspaper, first published in Nauvoo, Illinois (continuously published until February 1846).
Church membership is 16,800; population of the 26 United States is 17,100,000.

Nov 2, 1839