Day in the Life

Aug 22, 1841

Journal Entry

August 22, 1841 ~ Sunday
Sunday 22nd This was a day of interest to me in
many respects having returned to the church in New
I looked for much News & information from
many sources both religious & political temporal &
spiritual in this I was not disappointed for I had
the perusal of the New York papers, 1 & 2 No of the
2nd vol of the Mill Star in England besides late letters
from P. P. Pratt & O Hyde, Also the 19 No of the
Times & Seasons from Nauvoo & a letter still later. All
these things together brought a flood of News
some of it was painful & some heart cheering
I learned from the general news of the day that
nearly the whole earth & all nations are in commo-
tion war between England & China still continu-
es british troops trying to enter Canton, Guangdong Province, China &c, at the same
time England has great internal commotion at home
parliament is dissolved, a new ministry elected, great
excitement, poverty, distress & want prevails evrywhare
thousands are starving to death & hundreds of thousands
are in want. Banks are breaking, Merchants becoming
Bankrups, Factories are stoping, men are out of employ &
bread, the enraged populace are crying against the
government down with the corn laws &c. At the same
time trouble is going on in America the Cabinet can
scearcely hold together Congress is divided against itself
President Tyler has vetoed the Bank Bill, & great
confusion reigns at the seat of government, also on
the boundary line of Maine & New Brunswick & the
rumour of war!! wetween England and America is
heard upon evry hand & while this scenery is going
on, the wreck of shiping, blowing up of steem boats
awful sacrifice of human life, fires, Earthquakes
& storms, murder, lying, swearing & theft, with almost
evry evil thing clearly shows the signs of the times
which indicate that an awful storm is gathering
over the heads of a guilty generation which is spe-
dily to burst upon the nations by the power & wrath
of God which will engulph millions of the human
family in ruin & destruction. The Stars from England
as well as the letters informed me of the rapid progress
of the work of God, the fulness of the everlasting gospel
increase to the Church of Christ of Latter Day Saints
but this in the midst of the most unparalleled opposition

& fals rumour from Priest & people of evry sect
and party who hav^e^ deluged the whole land with tracts
pamphlets & newspaper stories against the Saints
but notwithstanding this the work still progresses
throughout that land it is doing well in London
Manchester & many other places in England, Scotland,
Wales &c Elder Hyde has gone to Germany on his
way to Jerrusalem, Elder P P. Pratt also informed
us in his letter that 50,000 persons have met at
a time in Manchester concerning the corn laws Also
chartist meetings that blood is shed at these cases
& great excitement Prevails

In reading the times &
in the west I learned many things that the
work of the Lord is still progressing in this land
in the midst of all opposition, that all the Twelve
had arived at Nauvoo that was expected but
myself I also learned the painful intelligence that
Sister Alice consort of Oliver Olney aged 41 Died
on the 16th of July Elder Olney is in Connecticut &
knows not of the Death of his wife I had an int-
erview with him a few weeks since at my fathers
house. Also DROWNED in the city of Nauvoo
July 23rd Samuel W. aged 8 years and James F. C.
aged 6 years both children of Stephen and Mary
formerly from fox islands Maine I Baptized
Br & Sister Luce. I also Learned by letter
from R. B. Thompson that Don Carlos Smith the
Editor of the Times & Seasons is Dead this was
truly painful intelligence to me I loved him he
was a worthy man, he has maintained his
integrity unto the end has died in faith & rests in
peace. In addition to having these things to medit-
ate upon during the day I was called upon to preach
three times in the church in the city, the citizens
appear much more opposed against the Saints at the
present time thane ever before since the rise of the
Church not ownly in New York but throughout
the United States as well as Europe it seems as
though all Earth & Hell were making one united effort
to overthrow the Church by deluging the earth
in lies publick meetings are held against us &
Newspapers are constantly publishing falshoods

against us of the Blackest die untill one is ready
to conclude the day has come when "men are left
to believe a lie that they might be damned
because they have pleasure in unwrighteousness
and believe not the truth.["] [2 Thessalonians 2:11-12] After the labours of the
day I was weary & retired to rest


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Woodruff, Aphek, b. 1779
11 Nov 1779 - 28 May 1861
579 mentions
Smith, Don Carlos, b. 1816
25 Mar 1816 - 7 Aug 1841
Luce, James F. C.
18 Sep 1834 - 23 Jul 1841
1 mention
Maine Mission
Tyler, John
29 Mar 1790 - 18 Jan 1862
1 mention
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Luce Wickens, Mary Wheeler
31 Aug 1801 - 26 Oct 1879
3 mentions
Maine Mission
Hyde, Orson
8 Jan 1805 - 28 Nov 1878
698 mentions
Pratt, Parley Parker
12 Apr 1807 - 13 May 1857
549 mentions
Thompson, Robert Blashel
1 Oct 1811 - 27 Aug 1841
Luce, Samuel W.
10 Oct 1832 - 23 Jul 1841
1 mention
Maine Mission
Luce, Stephen
10 Jul 1801 - 28 Apr 1872
25 mentions
Maine Mission


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Aug 22, 1841