18th I finished my letter to Shuah & sent it
to her I walked over to Fathers. Sister Foss
sends two cards, a pair of stockings & a skein
of yarn to Phebe and an apron. I found all
at Fathers House well. Just as I was sealing my
Letter to Shuah, word came that Rhoda Scam-
mans had a son born yesterday Sept 17th 1843
at 4 oclock all doing well. The time had now
come for me to once more part with Father
Carter & his household. Mother said I must
not have Rhoda Foss now for I had got one
good girl & I must not have all the good
ones so I left her & took the parting hand
with them all, who sent much love to Phebe
Father took me into the waggon to carry me
to Saco I left mother standing in the door
looking at me. I did not see one of John
Fabyan's family to speak to them I called at
sister Foss done up a few things took the
parting hand &c &c with them all who also sent
much love to Phebe & we rode to Luther
Scamons & I here I found Rhoda abed with
a little son all quite bright & smart making
them four children 3 sons & 1 daughter I took
dinner with them, & here Parted with Father
for the last time. He thinks some of comeing
out west & bringing leather with him in the
spring. at 3 oclok In the afternoon I parted
with Rhoda, who the same as Sarah gave me
a kiss for Phebe & the children, to carry home
with me. So when Phebe reads this journal
she can partake in part of this visit with me
& put me in mind of these things for which
Purpose I have written them. I rode to
Saco & called to see Calvin who had comme-
nced to learn the wheel wright trade, he said
he liked the business. I saw Mr Nutter of
Saco who sent his respect to S B Stodard his
Father in Law we then Rode to the Depo
whare I found Arthur & Edward Milliken
waiting for me they showed me the Neighbor
of Aug 30th. rising of 20 deaths but none
of my family & may the Lord preserve them
I pray. the cars came along & I parted
with the friends & went my way leaving
the state of Maine behind me, & feeling
that I had turned around & was on my way
home. I passed through Porthsmouth &
Newburyport & arived in Boston at 9 oclok
& took a cab through Washington St to br
Tuckers & spent the night with Elder J E
Page. distance of the day 100 miles
I commenced a Letter to Phebe at
her Fathers house cannot say when I
shall finish it
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