11th We have this morning A strong south
East wind with fore & main top gallant sails
set we run 13 nots an hour on the course
this is truly incourageing And things are turning
in our favor they have so much canvass
up it tries the whole strength of the ship
most ships with the same wind would
be under closs reef top sails I spent the
day in writing. A gale struct us at 4 oclok
though the wind was fare the ship was
immediately put under closs reef top sail
& they let her drive on her course some
of the time strong gusts would strike her
And make her trempble. it was the roughest
night we have had on the voyage but
the Byrometer to bday speaks of a still greater
storm ahead seas are vary high
View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.