11th I bought A keg of oysters 1/2 bushels of clams
And a fresh codfish to my Father took
cars rode to New Britain Hiered a waggon
to go to Farmington 4 miles Paid $1.50 30 miles
I arived at My Fathers House at 3 oclok
aAnd was truly glad to once more behold the
face of My Father & Mother which blessing
I Highly Prized which was according to
my expectations while at sea in my suffering
condition. I sent to the office for a
letter from Phebe But did not get any
I was informed on my arival that
Aunt Anna Cossett Died on the 25th Jan 1846
After A long sicknes or illness of
two years & 4 months her death Broke
up the family Ann expects to go [to] A factory
And Cyrus to canton in the Blacksmith
business And it leaves Betsey alone so
she desires to go to Calafornia with Father
Woodruffs family that she may live
with the Saints
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