JULY 1st We tried this morning to swim our cattle over the
river but had great difficulty in it. About 15 persons have been
taken sick within A few days with fever Ague &c which is said to
be common to emegrants coming from the snowy mountains to the
plains or valleys whare it is Hot wether. Br Fowler is better to
day some others of the sick are better some are worse. each
division made A good raft yesterday & Are lanched this morning
Brother Brannon Brought A file of his papers that He is publishing
with him to camp & A letter to Br Fowler from his wife. He also
informed us that Captain Sutter was vary friendly & wished us
to come & settel near him. He informed us that He saw more
timber on green River whare we now are than He had seen on
his route since He left Calafornia He came through a par[t] of
Oregon. We are now in Calafornia. We got over 10 waggons to day
among others my own so we camped over night on the south
bank of the green river
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