Day in the Life

Jul 2, 1847

Journal Entry

July 02, 1847 ~ Friday

2nd Two rafts have been runing through the day & most of
the waggons have been brought over we swam our Horses &
cattle over this morning though with some difficulty. we
held A council in the Afternoon with the Twelve &
4 men was Appointed to return to meet the camp & pilote
them up. Br Brannan was with the council, we each one
wrote our views concerning the council to be given to the camp
it is an exceding hot day, And both man & beast are much annoyed
with musketoes. Several salmon trout were caught at the mouth of
A slue on green river near the ferry one weighing 7 1/4 lbs. Several
of the brethren gatherd A quantity of salaratus from the salarat[us]
bedes about 3 miles east of the indipendance rock near the road &
thought it answered as good A purpose As the manufactured article
for raising bread & family purposes


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Brannan, Samuel
2 Mar 1819 - 5 May 1889


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Autobiography Volume 2 circa 1865
fording Green River. On the afternoon of the the Twelve held a council and four men were appointed to return and meet the Camp of Israel and piolot them up. We each wrote our views concerning the counsel to be given to the camp. I wrote a letter next day to my father A. O. Smoot and John Benbow to be taken back by the pilots. The ferrying was finished on the evening of the third day and we moved on three miles and camped.


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Jul 2, 1847