July 25 Sunday This is the first Sunday that the Latter Day Saints
ever spent in the great ^salt Lake valley^ bason. we washed shaved & cleaned up &
met in the circle of the encampment. Meeting was opened by the
bishops & G A Smith Preached ^the first sermon while standing upon the cannon^ An interesting discourse & was followed
by H. C. Kimball & E. T. Benson all of which spoke unto edification
An intimission of 2 Hours met again at 2 oclok the Bishops broak
bread to the congregation. I then Addressed the Brethren was followed
by O Pratt & W Richards all of which expressed the gratitude
of our hearts to our Heavenly Father for leading us to so goodly a land
& exhorted the Brethren to Harken to council do away with selfish-
ness live humble & keep the commandments of God that we may
prosper in the land, several other Brethren also expressed their
feelings & there was one universal feeling of satisfaction thwith the
valley, evry man that spoke upon the subject said they were
Joyfully disappointed that the whole appearance was Altogether
better throughout the valley than they had Anticipated or even
dreamed of. At the close of the meeting President Young though
feble Addressed for A few moments And Informed the brethren
[FIGURE] they must not work on Sunday that they would loose
five times as much as they would gain by it & they
must not hunt or fish on that day And there should not any
man dwell among us who would not observe these roles they might
go & dwell whare they pleased but should not dwell with us
He said that no man should buy any land that come Here that He
had no land to sell neither should He buy any but evry man should [have] [page cut off]
his land measured of[f] to him for city & farming purposes what
He could till & He might till it as he pleased but He should
be industrious & take care of it He also warned the Saints against
keeping any thing that did not belong to them that if they followed
this course it would leek out & they would stink in the norstrils
of Jehovah Angels & the Saints & though they might live with the
Saints & die with theym they would be damned at last & go to
Hell for they were thieves & nothing but burning through Hell
would clens them. He remarked there would be a meeting evry
Sabbath in thatis place or whareever we stop. Council was
also given to tie up our Horses at night
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I then addressed the Brethren was followed by O Pratt & W Richards all of which expressed the gratitude of our hearts to our Heavenly Father for leading us to so goodly a land & exhorted the Brethren to harken to council do away with selfish- ness live humble & keep the commandments of God that we may prosper in the land
President Young though feble addressed for a few moments and Informed the brethren [FIGURE] they must not work on Sunday that they would loose five times as much as they would gain by it & they must not hunt or fish on that day and there should not any man dwell among us who would not observe these roles
I then addressed the Brethren was followed by O Pratt & W Richards all of which expressed the gratitude of our hearts to our Heavenly Father for leading us to so goodly a land & exhorted the Brethren to harken to council do away with selfish- ness live humble & keep the commandments of God that we may prosper in the land
President Young though feble addressed for a few moments and Informed the brethren [FIGURE] they must not work on Sunday that they would loose five times as much as they would gain by it & they must not hunt or fish on that day and there should not any man dwell among us who would not observe these roles
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