Day in the Life

Aug 1, 1847

Journal Entry

August 01, 1847 ~ Sunday

August 1st Sunday. The congregation of the Saints assemb[led] [page covered]
under the Bower on the Temple lot at 10 oclok meeting opened
by singing & prayer Br Kimball Addressed the meeting for a
while & expressed his feelings upon a variety of subjects af[ter] [page covered]
which Br O Pratt Preached A discourse upon the Prophecies
of Isaiah & others concerning the building up of Zion in the la[st] [page covered]
days & thought many of those prophesies alluded to us in our pres
ent position such as Zion should be a city sought & not forsa[ken] [page covered] [Isaiah 62:12]
& that the munition of rocks should be a defence unto them [Isaiah 33:16]
the Lord sware that their corn & wine should no more be given
to their enemies [Isaiah 62:8], & that the house of God should be built up[on] [page covered]
the tops of the mountain [Isaiah 2:2] &c He had the spirit of preachi[ng] [page covered]
& we were all edifyed, when He closed Dr Richards read a
letter from the commanding officer of the Battalion who
had gone with them to the Pacific spoke in the Highest term[s] [page covered]
of praise of them in all their procedings. Also A letter
from Captain Hunt on the 3rd of Feb was read. Br Kimb[all] [page covered]
made some remarks concerning our traiding with the India[ns] [page covered]
that we ought to Harken to council & keep our amunitio[n] [page covered]
& not trade with them at all at present the Indians left
our encampment in the night & whether they stole any thing
or not we do not yet know. Congregation came together aga[in] [page covered]
at 2 oclok the Bishops broke bread to the congregation Dr Richa[rds] [page covered]
read the revelation given at winter quarters & the whole illegible [page faded]

[page covered] [r]ecieved it with A universal vote Br A Lyman Addressed the meeting
[page covered] [a]t length & spoke to edifycation after which some business matters
were brought up & it was decided to commence dBuilding our Houses
for those who were to tarry through the winter of Dobies instd
of timber & put the buildings together in stead of a stockade
for a defence against the Indians. And all oxen that are to
go back this season should start one week from tomorrow
& various orther matters were attended A vote was taken to
cease entirely traiding with the Indians & have no intercourse
with them at all. we also decided to form all the encampme[n]ts
into one. In the evening the Twelve met & decided for Br Bens[on] [page covered]
go back & metet the camp, & 3 others go with him to get the mail &
[page covered] [b]ring word concerning them.


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Lyman, Amasa Mason
30 Mar 1813 - 4 Feb 1877
298 mentions
Benson, Ezra Taft
22 Feb 1811 - 3 Sep 1869
379 mentions
Kimball, Heber Chase
14 Jun 1801 - 22 Jun 1868
1459 mentions
118 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Hunt, Jefferson
20 Jan 1803 - 11 May 1879
Pratt, Orson
19 Sep 1811 - 3 Oct 1881
1084 mentions
Richards, Willard
24 Jun 1804 - 11 Mar 1854
541 mentions


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not sleep but a little time but should come forth out of our gr[aves] [page covered] with bodies that no mob could kill.
~ Brigham Young
Br O Pratt preached a discourse upon the Prophecies of Isaiah & others concerning the building up of Zion in the la[st] [page covered] days & thought many of those prophesies alluded to us in our pres ent position such as Zion should be a city sought & not forsa[ken] [page covered] & that the munition of rocks should be a defence unto them the Lord sware that their corn & wine should no more be given to their enemies, & that the house of God should be built up[on] [page covered] the tops of the mountain &c he had the spirit of preachi[ng] [page covered] & we were all edifyed,
~ Orson Pratt

Related Documents

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Autobiography Volume 2 circa 1865
Sunday The congregation assembled under the Bowery on the Temple Block at 10 o'clock and the meeting was opened by singing and prayer. Brother Kimball first addressed the congregation and then was followed by a discourse from Orson Pratt upon the prophecies of Isaiah and their fulfilment in our present location and the building up of Zion When Elder Pratt concluded Willard Richards read a letter from the commanding officer of the Battalion who went with it to the Pacific and he spoke in the highest terms of praise of the members of the Battalion in all their proceedings. A letter was also read from Capt Hunt; and then Brother Kimball made some remarks upon our relations with the Indians In the afternoon the revelation given at Winter Quarters [Doctrine and Covenants 136] was read by Elder Willard Richards and received a unanimous vote and then the congregation was addressed by Elder Amasa Lyman. A vote was taken to cease entirely trading with the Indians, and it was decided to form all the encampments into one. In the evening the Twelve met and decided for brother E. T. Benson to go back with 3 others with him to meet the camp get the mail and bring word concerning the Saints who were following the Pioneers On the Monday Brother Benson started and we commenced laying out the city begining with the Temple Block In forming the Temple Block 40 acres appeared so large that we held a council to determine if it would or not be wisdom to reduce it to one half. G. A. Smith believed if we did it we should be sorry and would rather enlarge than diminish Heber C. Kimball thought we should let it be as it was even if we set it out to shrubery Amasa Lyman said George A. Smith had spoken his mind; we all ran in the same channel and President Young said we could easier


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Aug 1, 1847