[page cut off] [1]4th I was quite unwell through the day & did not feel able to
labour. 4 of the messengers returned from Bear River valley & cash
[page cut off] [v]alley who started with Capt Brown that has gone with a company to
[page cut off] [t]he Bay via Fort Hall. The messengers Bring a glorious report of
[page cut off] [C]ash valley & the country between us & there, that is rich soil &
well watered & weell calculated for farming purposes Also bear
[page cut off] [r]iver valley for stock graizing &c called at Miles Goodyiers place
[page torn] [h]ad about 30 yards pickedted in A small garding corn & vegitation
[page cut off] [d]oing well. it was about 90 miles from the city of the Salt lake
[page cut off] [t]o Cash valley & [blank] miles toor Bear River valley. our Brethren brought
[page cut off] [i]n 4 loads of salt from the lake which was obtained with little
[page cut off] [t]rouble As it lay in bars, banks, & beds in the edge of the water &
[page cut off] [h]ad to be shoveld up, washed, dreaned, &c & was then prepared
[page cut off] [f]or use. The Brethren also returned that went to the Utah lake to get
[page cut off] [f]ish they could not get quite to the lake with a waggon without
working the road some, & having no tools returned found A mount
[page cut off] [a]in of granite good for building runing from 7 to 15 miles from camp
The quorum of the Twelve decided in council that the name of
[page cut off] [o]ur city should be TCity of the Salt Lake, Great Bason, North America
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View selected quotes from this page in Wilford Woodruff's journal.
There is a reality in eternal things as much as in the things of time which we daily see with our eyes when a man has a dream or [v]ision of eternal things it is an evidence of its truth as much as [t]hough he saw it with his own eyes in one sens of the word. The Lord has hid from man the things that He knew before He [c]ame in the flesh that he might walk by faith & prove himself [w]hile here. The Lord converses with men on the earth in the [f]orm of a servent & by visions & dreams &c but He never appea[rs to] man in the flesh in the fulness of his glory, for He is as a [c]onsuming fire & a mortal body would perish in an instant
View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.