I went into Boston with Father Carter Mrs Woodruff
And Phebe & Susan Woodruff & got all our Dagerurrotype
likenesses taken in one groop, Bry Br. M. Cannon I then went
to Oak Hall & bought A suit of clothes Dress coat, vests, & pants
& Hat All amounting to $28. I returned to Cambridgeport
& obtained 24 letters from Thomas Cartwright, Josiah G Hardy
James H Wilson & Phebe W Woodruff. I wrote 3 letters
to Thomas Cartwright, Wm H. Wilson, and Orson Hyde
And sent one New subscriber for the paper Wm H Wilson
I recieved $4 in Br Cartwright Letter for Papers which He reci-
eves from Br Hyde I forward the money By Brother Mckenzie
also $2 from Br Wilson. Total $6 to day, $18 yesterday
in all $24. I forward this last letter & Money by Br
Mckenzie I walked up with Father Carter to se A fire in
Cambridgeport T Mckenzie receved of T Cartwright $4 in Boston $1 Total $29.
I met with Father Ezra Carter & Mrs Phebe W. Woodruff And
conversed with Father Carter upon the subject of the Priesthood
I laid my hands upon his head & ordained him to the office
of High Priest And to the office of A Patriarch in the Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints He is the ownly individual
out of A numerous family who has recieved the gospel It was
Manifest in various ways that He was of the Blood of Ephraim
from the loins of Joseph. It was fully manifest unto me whi-
le my hands was upon his head that this was the case. the
power of God rested upon us while attending to these ordin-
ances And we were filled with the Spirit of God prophecy &
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