Day in the Life

Feb 2, 1851

Journal Entry

February 02, 1851 ~ Sunday

2nd ^ An arrow^ Sunday the congregation met at the Bower and
Mr Bateman requested the privilege of Addressing the meet-
ing in behalf of Eligjah the prophet who He sayes is in this
city president Young made some remarks before He
spoke Bateman Addressed the meeting 9 minutes & bro-
ught forth Just Nothing. President Young followed
And said we have herd what Bateman Had to say but
He has brought forth Nothing many have arisen in these
last days professing to be Elijah the prophet but they have bro-
ught forth Nothing of interest to the people will any one tell
me what the office of Elijah the prophet was to be to the
Earth when He come the Answer is to turn the hearts of the
children to their fathers & the fathers to the children lest I
come & smite the whole Earth with a curse [Malachi 4:6] the Answer

is right. In what way is this to be done? By sealing upon
the head of the prophet Joseph those keys to remain in the
Church & kingdom of God untill the winding up scene
the Elders of this Church know those keys were sealed
upon the head of Joseph Smith & still remain in the Church
what are they to accomplish? As the saints could not
be perfect in former days with out the Latter day Saints
Neither can we be perfect without our Fathers who have
died for many generations & these keys of Elijah confirmed
upon the president of the Church are to seal the fathers to their
children the children to their fathers, & to assist in wedlding
the great link connecting evry gospel dispensation togeth-
er I see the wheat growing in this dispensation ripening for the
Harvest I see the taerres also growing for the burning I saw [say] to t[h]e
wheat & tearares grow on I sawy to the Goats & sheep both to
go ahead unto the End, the Saints of God are increasing
in knowledge fast but they have got to be a hundred times
better, wiser & advance in knowledge befor the end. I have
watched the windings & progress of this people & the spirits
that surround them I have seen many arise as it were to
Heaven & in a moment of temptation fall down to Hell and loose
their hop[e]s of glory. I know the spirits of men & the invisible
spirits that affect men & operate upon them better than
I do the faces of men. I want to speak a little upon natural
philosophy we sow the grain it dies, rots in the ground & then it
brings forth A Hundred fold the elements which surrounded
us produce these effects if we had a correct knowledge of the
elements & knew how to control & separate them we could
make Bread as well out of the elements as Jesus did when
He fed the multitude. [Matthew 14:15-21] the day will come when we can go [on]
a Journey without taken any food with them would have
power to make it as they went along. Many other interesting
remarks were made by the president.

Amasa Lyman followed spoke upon the word of wisdom said
if a man was wise in eating drinking & they would begin to
learn wisdom in work & walking would walk & not
be weary run & not faint for they would have wisdom
enough to stop before they got weary [Doctrine and Covenants 89:20]

At the close of the meeting President Young invited All the
Twelve to come & dine with him we did so And feasted
upon A fine large turkey supposed to be the first ever killed
& eat in the valley we had A good time in the upper room
of prayer. Capt Hunt met with us at the Dr office in the
evening He made a report of the situation of Williams Ranch
said He wanted to sell to our people a company was to be organ-
ized to go down & settle a stake or colony & to buy him
out Brother Hunt Brought some papers & Letters from
the states. One paper contained the account of the appo-
intment of the Govornor & other officers for Utah Terri-
& spoke of Mass Meetings being held in the free states
expressing public sentiment against the fugitive slave Bill


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Lyman, Amasa Mason
30 Mar 1813 - 4 Feb 1877
298 mentions
Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3459 mentions
Apostle, Family
76 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Hunt, Jefferson
20 Jan 1803 - 11 May 1879
Smith, Joseph (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844


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many have arisen in these last days professing to be Elijah the prophet but they have bro- ught forth Nothing of interest to the people will any one tell me what the office of Elijah the prophet was to be to the Earth when he come the answer is to turn the hearts of the children to their fathers & the fathers to the children lest I come & smite the whole Earth with a curse the answer
~ Brigham Young
is right. In what way is this to be done by sealing upon the head of the prophet Joseph those keys to remain in the Church & kingdom of God untill the winding up scene
~ Brigham Young
these keys of Elijah confirmed upon the president of the church are to seal the fathers to their children the children to their fathers, & to assist in welding the great link connecting evry gospel dispensation togeth- er
~ Brigham Young
I see the wheat growing in this dispensation ripening for the harvest I see the tares also growing for the burning I saw [say] to the wheat & tares grow on I sawy to the Goats & sheep both to go ahead unto the End, the Saints of God are increasing in knowledge fast but they have got to be a hundred times better, wiser & advance in knowledge befor the end
~ Brigham Young
I know the spirits of men & the invisible spirits that affect men & operate upon them better than I do the faces of men I want to speak a little upon natural philosophy we sow the grain it dies, rots in the ground & then it brings forth a hundred fold the elements which surrounded us produce these effects if we had a correct knowledge of the elements & knew how to control & separate them we could make bread as well out of the elements as Jesus did when He fed the multitude.
~ Brigham Young

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Sunday the the congregation met in the Bowery and Mr Bateman requested the privelege of addressing the meeting in behalf of Elijah the Prophet whom he said was in the city. President Young made some remarks before he spoke and then Bateman addressed the meeting nine minutes. President Young followed and said: "We have heard what Bateman had to say but he has brought forth nothing. "Many have arisen in these last days professing to be Elijah the Prophet but they have brought forth nothing of interest to the people. Will any one tell me what the office of Elijah the Prophet was to be to the earth when he came The answer is to turn the hearts of the children to their fathers and the fathers to the children lest I come and smite the ^whole^ earth with a curse. [Malachi 4:5-6] The answer is right. In what way is this to be done? By sealing upon the head of the Prophet Joseph those keys to remain in the Church and Kingdom of God until the winding up scene. The Elders of this Church know those


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Feb 2, 1851