Day in the Life

Oct 5, 1851

Journal Entry

October 05, 1851 ~ Sunday

Sunday Oct 5th Elder O. Pratt Addressed the Assembly
and said I feel thankful to once more tread my feet in
the valley after being absent 4 years I feel thankful to behold
the faces of my brethren & friends & see the improvements
that have been made in my Abscence. I could not tell whare
I was I was in danger of Being lost without a guide. I trust
that while I have been absent on a mission to Great Britain I
have also been Assisting to build up the kingdom of God &
when I left I believed it would continue to roll forth
the work had taken such a deep root the powers of darkness
could not break it up it seemed at times as though we
should take the kingdom. The organization of the Churches
By the Twelve in that country was so perfect that notwithsta[ndin]g
the great spread & increase of the work we can know
monthly the state of the Churches increase &c throughout the
whole realm. The faith of the Saints in that land was
increasing a great spirit of enquiry was manifesting
itself in the High ranks of society esspecially when they
Hear of the rapid progress of the work & prosperiofty of this
people we are not hid up as some suppose. It is the general
Idea that we are destined to become a great people & a
Mighty Nation (is this treason) we are a strong people &
destined to be stronger untill our News reachest to the utmost
parts of the Earth so that when the Mail comes the question
will be asked what News do you hear from that mighty
people in the Mountains? As the emigration increases & ships
Arive It will all increase the work & it will be as impossible to
hide it from the world as it would for the shining of the sun
to be hid & Zion will be terrible to the Nations of the Earth
I feel as great a desire to help bear up the kingdom as a
man can. I am willing to spend my life & all I have
to build up this kingdom. I am willing to stay here or go
back tomorrow. I presume this is the feelings of the Elders
Here in this Body their is Nothing so Joyful as to build up
the kingdom. I would rather be abroad binding up the
grain than to break up my Farm if I had all the welth
of the Earth I would rather go without purse or scrip than to spend
the time to work for myself when I look at the magnitude of
this work I cannot feel otherwise with the spirit of God in my
heart. I want to see the Seventies going forth & gathering from
all kingdoms & countries & from every Island of the sea untill
all Israel is gatherd. I do not feel to say more to day but will
sit down & hear from my Brethren. I wish to do my duty while here

G. A. Smith said it is with pleasure I behold the faces of O. Prat
& others this is my Fathers House we have had good instruct
ion from our Brother Here I have spent my time to settel
other colonies we cannot all settel down Here we should
spend our lives to improve & prepare ourselves for immortal glory

And Exhaltation. I have exhorted my new comers to go down
to the south before they settel Here & help to build up a stake
if you remember the words of God in the days of Joseph
says Ye are laying the foundation of a great work and ye
know it not. [Doctrine and Covenants 64:33] we are now preparing to have a state
soon, soon the Brethren will come by 10 100 1000 & 10000
We have at Parowan 80 men & Boys we want to have
evry man who knows any thing about making Iron
go to Iron Co. & make Iron. As long as we have to buy
evry thing & pay 3 prices for it we shall be poor. I
would rather mak our own ware & ploughes than to be a slave
to Missouri or Ill. I never dreamed that when I or any Elder
had a mission to preach the Gospel or build up Zion to ask
to be dismissed or return home untill my work was
closed such an Idea Never Enterd my brain. If the
Saints will scatter abroad & settle these far vallies we can
come up here & present our tithings & offering & come & wor
ship as they did in Jerrusalem come & raise 1000 Bushels
of wheat & potatoes & say to the Nations of the Earth come
& Eat & do sumthing to build up Zion.

Afternoon President Young sayes we hear the Brethren Arise
& return thanks for the Blessings received we can respond to it
the work is of all importance to the Human family the
Brethren are all willing to do right & they say Lord not
my will but thine be done. If the Lord should say come
& preach to us we would say Amen to it the Lord has his
means to carry on his work And also his own means to do it
when the peoples hearts are prepared to do the will of
God the victory is ours if we come to understanding so
as to have the organization of the kingdom of God so that
evryone acts in unison like a beautiful peace of machinery
we gain the victory. we shall then know how to order our
speech & conversation aright Before God this is a good
people cannot we be better we have faith & knowledge
cannot we have more of it yes their is an Eternity of it. we
have learned to obey by the things we suffer but what do we
behold their is evil surmising, speaking, & doing. the Evil intruder
has not left us. who is keeping this commandment that loves
his Neighbor as He does himself will save his Neighbor
Garden & crops &c we shall then believe & practice all
the commands we shall Have one common interest. I
dont care what you believe if you practice right & act
as though you loved the Lord & then you will do right their
is no school like your own experience when I herd Geore
A. Smith speak I thought of former days when men
from Canida & other places stop 50 miles this side of
Kirtland leave the money with the wife go & see Joseph
& say how I love you. But let Joseph Ask him for a
few dollars & they would instantly dodge at it while in
the world you would go away now you are here I canot
get you to go to the far vallies because Warsaw & carthage
are not there. I felt like crying abot Amasa company they
were ready to go to Hell. How ready the people are to go to Hell
let the Eyes of the Saints be open. I had to plead with

A Lyman & company for days not to go I could not stay
them. Now I want you to go & you wont go I want to have
you go to Iron Co. the people here are so full of wheat & good
things that they loath it. If you dont want to pay your
tithing the Lord dont want you tithing untill you go into Hell
if you dont want to save yourself nor your children
nor your dead dont pay your tithing if you do want to save
then pay your tithing for it is for your Benefit not
mine you cannot do the Lord any good in it or Add to
his glory But it is for yourself. The cattle have come
in well of late And I think the Best has been sent in
you should be industrious & saving. I dont want my children
to b lazy if I die I dont want any man to foster them in
idleness make your cloth yourself I wish my boys
had to work as I did for a living.


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Lyman, Amasa Mason
30 Mar 1813 - 4 Feb 1877
299 mentions
Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3466 mentions
Apostle, Family
Smith, George Albert
26 Jun 1817 - 1 Sep 1875
1442 mentions
Apostle, Missionary
Smith, Joseph (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844
Pratt, Orson
19 Sep 1811 - 3 Oct 1881
1087 mentions


View selected quotes from this page in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Abraham seed will reign as kings of kings & Lords of Lords & to his seed their is no end let this people live & do right & the blessings of God will atted you to all Eternity
~ Brigham Young
Abraham seed will reign as kings of kings & Lords of Lords & to his seed their is no end let this people live & do right & the blessings of God will atted you to all Eternity
~ Brigham Young
It is the general Idea that we are destined to become a great people & a Mighty Nation (is this treason) we are a strong people & destined to be stronger untill our News reaches the utmost parts of the Earth so that when the Mail comes the question will be asked what News do you hear from that mighty people in the Mountains as the emigration increases & ship arive It will all increase the work & it will be as impossible to hide it from the world as it would for the shining of the sun to be hid & Zion will be terrible to the Nations of the Earth I feel as great a desire to help bear up the kingdom as a man can I am willing to spend my life & all I have to build up this kingdom I am willing to stay here or go back tomorrow I presume this is the feelings of the Elders here in this body their is Nothing so Joyful as to build up the kingdom
~ Orson Pratt
the work is of all importance to the Human family the Brethren are all willing to do right & they say Lord not my will but thine be done. If the Lord should say come & preach to us we would say Amen to it the Lord has his means to carry on his work and also his own means to do it when the peoples hearts are prepared to do the will of God the victory is ours if we come to understanding so as to have the organization of the kingdom of God so that evryone acts in unison like a beautiful peace of machiner
~ Brigham Young
the keeping of the word of wisdom has done much good I will be exceding glad when we arive at wisdom in all things the word of wisdom was given in Kirtland 20 years ago for the benefit of all Saints when we live 20 or 50 years longer we shall see that we do not understand much of the word of wisdom we are but babes in understanding wisdom who understands it, was all spoken that might be spoken their is but one ysystem of explaining any Revelation & that is the Rev- elation of Jesus Christ in the heart of man when he possesses the Holy Ghost
~ Brigham Young

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We hear the brethren arise and return thanks for the blessings received. We can respond to it. The work is of all importance to the human family. The brethren are all willing to do right; and they say Lord not my will but thine be done. If the Lord should say come and preach to us we would say Amen to it. The Lord has his means to carry on his work and also his own men^ans^ to do it. When the people's hearts are prepared to do the will of God the victory is ours If we come to understanding so as to have the organization of the Kingdom so that every one will act in unison like a beautiful piece of machinery we gain the victory. We shall then know how to order our speaech and conversation aright before God This is a good people. Cannot we be better? We have faith and knowledge. Cannot we have more of it? Yes there is an eternity of it We have learned to obey by the things we suffer. But what do we behold? There is evil surmising spakeaking and doing. The evil intruders hasve not left us Who is keeping the commandment that thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself? [Matthew 22:39] He will save his neighbours garden crops &c. We shall then believe and pratctise


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Publication of the Manuscript History of the Church begins in the Deseret News.

Oct 5, 1851