Day in the Life

Sep 8, 1851

Journal Entry

September 08, 1851 ~ Monday

Monday Morning 8th Judge Brochus requested the privilege of
Addressing the people it was granted him. He arose And commenced
his speach by testifying ^of^ His kind reception among this people
He had Been sick among them & Been kindly treated the flyies
had been brushed from his face by a Lady & he was thankful He
refered to the Judiciary requested the people to sustain it
& professed to be vary sorry that He was going to leave
it. He then refered to a report in circulation that He
came Here for the purpose of being returned A delegate to
washington & other things that were reported against
him &c. He then took up the subject of his Appointment
And said that President Fillmore Had appointed him
Although He was A Democratt & said He should not have
received his Appointment had He not been a capable virt
good man. He then Addressed the Ladies upon the
subject of the Washington Monument wished them to
procure A Block of Marble & to present it to washington
Also wished them to donate for the Building of the Monument
talked Much about the virtues of washington & his Bat
tles & good deeds. He spoke of the persecution of the Saints
considered them Badly treated, sent to Winter Quarters
whare our Dead was buried & had a sprig of Myrtle plucked
He carried it in his bosom it was now dryed up. He showed

it to the congregation. Isn speaking to the Ladies said He hoped
they would become a virtueous people He did not wish them to send
the Block of Marble unless they could do it in full fellowship
with each of the separate states composing the United States. He
had red some things casting reflections upon the United
States Government concerng our persecutions But He would
defend the government as long as He had an Tongue to speak or
Hand to lift And said the Government could not do any thing
for us as they had no power But if we wanted redress of our
wrongs Apply to Missouri & Illinois whare we had received our
(this part of the speech stired the Blood of the whole congrega-
tion) much was said By the speaker which was calculated
to stir the Blood of the people And offend them. He then closed

President Young arose & said that Judge Brochus was
either profoundly Ignorant or wilfully wicked
In presenting some sentiments which He had to the Assembly this
day & had He have supposed for a moment that He was going to
throw out a challenge upon that stand in a religious Meeting
& present such sentiments as He had He should not for a
moment have given his consent to have had him spoken
on that occasion. He said several stood by & wished to take up
the challenge given by the Judge But He would not permit
of it for some might get their Hair pulled if not their
throats cut. And He would not Have it. He wished the
meeting to Adjourn & meet in the Afternoon & transact
Business in the capacity of a conference for which the meeting
was called. Meeting Adjourned one hour

Met according to Adjournment. After singing & prayer Brother
Kempton addressed the meeting was followed By Broth Gifford.
Br John Young next addressed the House & was followed By
H. C. Kimball who said I will tell one thing that will
have a great effect upon us will remove the mist, when we
come to the House of the Lord Bring an offering to the Lord I
wil make an offering to the Lord & to the priesthood As Abraham
did to Melchezedic & offer the Best you Have. did this law
come from Joseph who was ordained under the Hands of
Peter? Brigham Young was ordained under the Hands of
Joseph to Hold the keys of the kingdom of God if you strike
against him you strike against God who sent him
The Judges came Here to Judge criminals not to Jude us
who keep the Law. He then sat down & we had a song from
the welsh Brethren

President Young then arose & said I will speak of principle
you may think it is a Novel conference. How long has it been
since we have had the privilege of spending a conference
undeisturbed a long time I would like to hear Brother
Kempton speak or any good man. I will preach Br Abbott
funeral sermon And the funeral sermon of All the faithful
His body is laid in the dust to rest untill the resurrection forever
Blessed is the man that lives & dies a Saint. I will tell whether
the Messenger sent to Brother Kempton was of God or the Devil
If the Messenger sent was of God He would know it, if the messenger was
any whare Els but Here He must have come from Heaven or from

another Hell for we are in Hell go to the world & preach the gospel
you will find some people as honest & good as Angels as far as they
know But do they have revelations from God & know the things
of God? No they do not. If Brother Kempton has had his sins
forgiven & remitted without Baptism so could all men
But this is false for no man could have forgiveness without
the sheding of Blood & Baptism the Bible says unless you keep the
commandments you cannot be saved when Br Kempton sayes
He knows his sins were forgiven before He was Baptized
He dont know what He sayes. At times the spirit of God is given
to men to see the kingdom of God And they think they are
in it when they have not entered the door of Baptism dont
go & call the different Denominations Because their sins are
not forgiven them that they are always going to dwell in Hell
for if they aere honest they will have a glory greater than
many who carry the Gospel to men their is as good people
among all sects Gentiles Jews & Heathen as their is on Earth
they act according to the best light they have. what is the condem-
nation of this Government, light has come into the world & men love
darkness rather than light they reject that light fight the prop
hets & shed their Blood for this they are damned

Elder Sherwood Arose & said that the priesthood Had made Joseph
Brigham & all men what they were by the assistance of light & truth
as far as we follow light & truth so far we shall Appoxamate
towards light & truth & God if God & Angels were made what
they are by truth as far as we learn that truth & follows out
the council of it so far He will be like God & when He leaves that
truth He goes into darkness & misery. If the united States were practi-
zing truth they would be vary different from what they now are
the practice of right things make men rejoice the practice of Evil
things make sorrow we are Agents to do right or wrong if A man
feels disposed to go to Hell He has a right to it is no mans business
He goes on his own responsibility And Agency so if He wishes to
Go to Heaven He has a right to By keeping a celestial Law let me
do my work to Acceptance. we know many truths we cannot think
off [of]. Adjourned untill 2 oclok

Met According to Adjournment. The officers of the Church were
presented to the Aassembly and Accepted in the following order
The Presidency, Twelve, President of the stake, Patriarch, High
, High Priest, Seventies, Bishops, Elders priests Teachers
& Deacons Perpetual Emigrating Company, Historian, Building

President Young sayes I want to esstablish some travelling
Bishops A thing that we never have done. when I Approach
the subject of the Bishops I pause not with a trembling hand
but I want to take time & look at it all day until we can see
clearer than we now do. this people still stick to the world
love the world. We should use the world & not worship it
No man is free indeed untill He is free in Christ And
Above the world dont worship the world you will not be free
Is their any one that has any thing but what God gave him
you cannot make one hair white or Black. Now it is our
duty to feed cloth & sustain the families of those who are in
the vineyard preaching if we let them suffer & they die their
Blood will be required at our hands. we as a people have never

done it yet But it was time it was done. The Bishops are reproved they
dont do their duty. N. H. Felt & John Banks was ordained Travelling
Bishops. E. T. Benson J. M. Grant & O Hyde were set Apart to
go to Kanesville & gather out all the Saints in that region of country
Samuel Richards was Appointed to go to England. Willard
& A. O. Smoot was Appointed to Go to England.
D Carnes to Jermany, Dorr P Curtis & Viencson Shirtliff on
a foreign mission. Dr Dunyan to preach in the Eastern States
Clayton then red an account of the Tithing.

The Patriarch John Smith said I rejoice to Have the
privilege of speaking to you I have Been in the work since
Jan 1832, And am about the oldest man here I was ordained
an Elder under the Hands of Joseph Wakefield. The
Smith family was chosen to bring forth this work. My
team Halled the first load of stone to build the kirtland temple
my son George A Drove the team. There was 4 Brothers
us in the stand in Kirtland I am now left alone. I was in
Jail with Joseph & Hiram the night before they were killed. next
day 3 guns were snaped at me I could not weep for a long time
when I did weep I wept much. I have laboured much from
that untill this to keep things right. It is the little Foxes that spoil
the vines. [Song of Solomon 2:15] We have A Prophet for a leader now pay your tithing
& make good measure when you sell any thing, & fulfill all your
covenants if made right we shall then prosper in this valley
I Am an old man & cannot say much But I will write a peace
to be published in the paper

H. C. Kimball said I am going to make an offering to president
Young. Abram paid tithes to Melchezedeck. A certain woman gave
a purse others filled it Br Rhodes gave the President sixty
four pounds of gold for the public works He has not lacked anything
you should give the Best you have to the Lord & He will pour you out
a Blessing that there will not Be room to receive it [Malachi 3:10]

Bishop Edward Hunter spoke said He was Appointed the Chief Bishop
was thankful for the confidence put in him. I want to Bear
my testimony of the things of God He spoke of his experience wanted
to know his duty & was ready to do it.

W. W. Phelps spoke took for a text Pay your tithing

Brother Chase speaks, start right, keep right & then you will
come out right He spoke well upon tithing

Z. Pulsipher spoke & said I feel thankful to Hear the Aged
Brethren speak & bear their testimony of the Prophet Joseph
we have had many revelations let us improve upon them

B. Young said I will put the motion will the sisters
vote to quit using tea & coffee, the Brethren have voted
not to use tobaco I will speak of the Bishops I spoke of them
yesterday, & reproved them sharply some wanted them ^me^ to offer
an apology to them. I will not I will see them in Hell before I will do
it. If this people do not do Better than the Bishops have they will
And if you do not do better than you have done you will go to Hell
I will begin with myself. I have taught the Bishops principle &
their duty. Ask them if they can do it. No. I will cut the Bishops
off from the Church if they do not do Better. did I ever council
them wrong you have trampled my council under foot I shall
not shrink from duty. I say to all old & young pray in your
learn to pray. Pray in your families. Be content in all circumstances

whare the Lord shall place you. scease your contention one with
another Never go to law. gather your families together &
pray for me & my Brethren & yourselves untill A Blessing [rains upon]

Noah Packard spoke said many things said He wanted to
be a son of thunder. [Mark 3:17]

E. D. Woolley Addressed the meeting made many good remarks
said we had a Joseph with us in the person of B. Young

B Young wished to say a few words to the Mormon Battalion those
who are wanting their extra pay are applying to William, Blair
& Babbit if you apply to these men & give them the papers &
they cheat you out of it dont complan, & I say to those
men not to take any papers from those who have had their
pay or sold their claims to others. If you want your pay Apply
Here, & you can get it. You did not enlist to get $8 per Month
they enlisted us to kill us And because we speak our sentiments
we are Accused of treason I dont ask any odds of the U. S. I will
express my feelings to drive us from our Millions & possessions
then require us to fight their Battles is not right.

I shall pay my tithing. The Twelve will pay one 10th of their possess[ions]
& the Bishops And all will pay their tithing. This is the kingdom
of God
& if it falls I am willing to fall with it. I had rather
fall than stand if the Priesthood falls. All covenanted
to pay their tithing one tenth of all they possess

Bishop Hunter spok upon the tithing would Begin with himself
& wishedto all the Bishops to do the same

Lorenzo Young spoke upon the Tithing.

President Youg said He wished all the people to pay their
tithing to the Bishops of their ward. He refered to the remarks
made By Father Smith on the word of wisdom. He said $50000
dollars had Been spent in the valley during the past year for needless
things for coffee tea Tobaco &c many others remaks were made
By President Youg "Elder Banks spoke upon the law of liberty
President Young followed in reply & said the liberty of the Holy Gospel
was peace & righteousness we had no liberty to take away another
mans rights but the first principle of liberty was resignation &
submission for go whare you will to Heaven or Hell you have to submit
to laws we are at liberty to Adobt evry Holy principle to all
Eternity go east North or south keep evry thing you want for
yourself wife children Houses cattle & create out of the elements
evry thing you can yet you are not at liberty to infiringe
upon the rights of men you may have the privilege to do all
things that is done in heaven. Organize the elements give commands
& rule over kingdoms But be subject to such laws as you
are under the law of liberty is to do right for God to all
Eternity the opposite principle is to be discontented with things
to be different from what they are this is Hell & all the Hell their
is I dont care how things are if I do right we shall find the law
of liberty to be Eternal life light & peace which will increase
to all Eternity we ought not to do an Evil to cause pain to any crea-
ture, still their are some things that would appear to be evil I know
to be good to cut some mens heads off as it would be the ownly
way they could be saved. God will increase his kingdom to
all Eternity so shall we increase our kingdom to all Eternity

Abraham seed will reign as kings of kings & Lords of
Lords & to his seed their is no End let this people live
& do right & the Blessings of God will atted you to all Eternity

Conference was Adjourned untill the 6th Oct


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

244 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Smoot, Abraham Owen
17 Feb 1815 - 6 Mar 1895
583 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3466 mentions
Apostle, Family
Chase, Darwin
25 Feb 1816 - 4 Feb 1863
Woolley, Edwin Dilworth
28 Jun 1807 - 14 Oct 1881
125 mentions
Benson, Ezra Taft
22 Feb 1811 - 3 Sep 1869
379 mentions
Smith, George Albert
26 Jun 1817 - 1 Sep 1875
1442 mentions
Apostle, Missionary
Washington, George
22 Feb 1732 - 14 Dec 1799
48 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Kimball, Heber Chase
14 Jun 1801 - 22 Jun 1868
1463 mentions
Sherwood, Henry Garlick
20 Apr 1785 - 24 Nov 1867
Smith, Hyrum
9 Feb 1800 - 27 Jun 1844
427 mentions
Grant, Jedediah Morgan
25 Feb 1816 - 1 Dec 1856
281 mentions
Apostle, Zion's Camp
Banks, John
6 Feb 1806 - 15 Jun 1862
Smith, John, b. 1781
16 Jul 1781 - 23 May 1854
Young, John (Jr.)
22 May 1791 - 27 Apr 1870
Smith, Joseph (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844
Abbott, Lewis
30 Nov 1793 - 30 Nov 1850
Young, Lorenzo Dow
19 Oct 1807 - 21 Nov 1895
124 mentions
24 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Fillmore, Millard
7 Jan 1800 - 8 Mar 1874
12 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
1 mention
Hyde, Orson
8 Jan 1805 - 28 Nov 1878
698 mentions
119 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Richards, Samuel Whitney
9 Aug 1824 - 26 Nov 1909
Blair, Seth Millington
13 Mar 1819 - 17 Mar 1875
Rhoads, Thomas Foster
abt. 1794 - aft. 1860
Snow, Willard Trowbridge
6 May 1811 - 21 Aug 1853
17 mentions
Zion's Camp
Clayton, William
17 Jul 1814 - 4 Dec 1879
Phelps, William Wines
17 Feb 1792 - 7 Mar 1872
Pulsipher, Zerah
24 Jun 1788 - 1 Jan 1872


View selected quotes from this page in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

the liberty of the Holy Gospel was peace & righteousness we had no liberty to take away another mans rights but the first principle of liberty was resignation & submission for go whare you will to Heaven or Hell you have to submit to laws we are at liberty to adobt evry Holy principle to all Eternity go East North or South keep evry thing you want for yourself wife children houses cattle & create out of the elements evry thing you can yet you are not at liberty to infringe upon the rights of men you may have the privilege to do all things that is done in heaven. Organize the elements give commands & rule over kingdoms but be subject to such laws as you are under the law of liberty is to do right for God to all Eternity the opposite principle is to be discontented with things to be different from what they are this is Hell & all the Hell their is I dont care how things are if I do right we shall find the law of liberty to be Eternal life light & peace which will increase to all Eternity we ought not to do an Evil to cause pain to any crea- ture
~ Brigham Young
God will increase his kingdom to all Eternity so shall we increase our kingdom to all Eternity
~ Brigham Young
Abraham seed will reign as kings of kings & Lords of Lords & to his seed their is no end let this people live & do right & the blessings of God will atted you to all Eternity
~ Brigham Young
Abraham seed will reign as kings of kings & Lords of Lords & to his seed their is no end let this people live & do right & the blessings of God will atted you to all Eternity
~ Brigham Young
It is the general Idea that we are destined to become a great people & a Mighty Nation (is this treason) we are a strong people & destined to be stronger untill our News reaches the utmost parts of the Earth so that when the Mail comes the question will be asked what News do you hear from that mighty people in the Mountains as the emigration increases & ship arive It will all increase the work & it will be as impossible to hide it from the world as it would for the shining of the sun to be hid & Zion will be terrible to the Nations of the Earth I feel as great a desire to help bear up the kingdom as a man can I am willing to spend my life & all I have to build up this kingdom I am willing to stay here or go back tomorrow I presume this is the feelings of the Elders here in this body their is Nothing so Joyful as to build up the kingdom
~ Orson Pratt

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On Monday morning and the second day of the conference Judge Brochus requested the privilege of addressing the people and it was granted him He arose and commenced his speech by testifying of his kind reception among this people. He had been sick among them he said and kindly treated. The flys had been brushed from his face by a lady and he was thankful. He then refered to the Judiciary and requested the people to sustain it and professed to be very sorry that he was going to leave it. He then refered to a report in circulation that he came here for the purpose of being returned a delegate to Washington and other things that were reported against him &c. Next he took up the subject of his appointment and said that President Filmore had appointed him although he was a democrat; and observed that he should not have been appointed had he not been a capable virtous was a good man. He then addressed the ladies upon


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Sep 8, 1851