Day in the Life

Oct 6, 1851

Journal Entry

October 06, 1851 ~ Monday

Monday Oct 6th Conference Assembled according to
Adjournment singing & Prayer By W W Phelps

President Young said the time had come to commence
the business of the semianual conference the business
of the last conference was productive of more good
than any conference we ever held. the keeping
of the word of wisdom has done much good I will be
exceding glad when we arive at wisdom in all things
the word of wisdom was given in Kirtland 20 years
ago for the benefit of all Saints when we live 20
or 50 years longer we shall see that we do not
understand much of the word of wisdom we are
but babes in understanding wisdom who understands
it, was all spoken that might be spoken their is but
one ysystem of explaining any revelation & that is the Rev-
elation of Jesus Christ in the heart of man when He
possesses the Holy Ghost. We are forbidden to use meat in hot
weather. Hot drinks & tobaco is not good for man you should
not eat to over load your stomach. their is a greater
lack in my system of wisdom of tempering my food &
exercise than in eating meat or tobaco. Tithing is com
ing sin so fast their will not be room to receive it
I wanted this conference to come together so I could
see their faces not to scold them. I want to se their
faces they look better to me than all the glories of
the Earth. I said when the Brethren got out of
prision I wanted to sit & look at them three weeks. Our
graineries & stoor House are full of wheat & good things
If this people are rich Beautiful & Happy I am with
them. If they are miserable I am still with them if this
people are not crowned & saved none of us will
be A hand pointing to the right it is in vain for one man to build himself up &
neglect his brothers interest. He will fail in it. we
must begin to manifacture all we want or we are slaves
to every thing in all the Earth. Evry thing is against
Mormonism & Mormonism is against evry thing everything
is against us. Hear it O Earth for the kingdom of God is
against all Earth & Hell this is true & we shall fight

them untill the kingdom of this world become the kingdom
of our God
. We shall fight Battle after Battle untill
the victory is won we have to fight & lay down our
lives for Christ sake we now want to gather companies
to go to the different vallies. I want the potters to rem[ain]
here & work at their Business. Jesus descended Below
all things before He Ascended Above all things. [Doctrine and Covenants 88:6] we have
got to sacrafice ever freely in order to be bexhalted
before God. I once said I will go & build me a House
on the Hill out of the mud. Joseph said you will stay
whare you are this was enough I dodged as quick as I
could I said enough since I have been willing to be
governed by circumstances that have surrounded me
& leave the event in the Hands of God

Judge Snow said I arived in the valley in July last
I expected to sit & Hear & learn I have been a silent
observer of your temporal & spiritual matters. Your
Governor has laid a foundation for you to build upon
I consider it to be the province of this people to determi[ne]
for themselves what they most need. I do not see that
you will break any law of God in doing right & your
own will. I like the remarks made that you be free
& not abject slaves make what you want & be free
buy all you want & be slaves. we say we look to gGod
& do his will. We are a little people upon a little patch
of the Earth but if we all pull together we shall become
the Head. I did not run with the rest because I thought
it right to stay. If I thought it right to run I should
run, but it was right to stay so you must be right
the Lord said you must gain your Bread by the sweat
of the Brow [Genesis 3:19] you must make your own leather or you
cannot get money enogh to buy it with so with
tea coffee & sugar you must raise & make it or go
without it you must make your own Iron or fail
for Iron must be had. leathier & Iron must be maid
& make your own clothing. I like your conferences
& to hear the Best men speak to communicate intel-
ligence to others the church all draws one way & this
puzzles the world they all draw one way & have a
reason for it this I glory in. I would not obey
if their was not a reason for it. I would leave
Z Snow would not draw with you if He could not
give a reason for it. I came here to deal out Justice
to all Jew & Gentile alike. I came not to watch for
iniquity but to punish iniquity when it does appear
I have had 200 cases in a year with the same No
as you are. I hope you will not have a case you will
never be destroyed unless you destroy yourselfves
if you do not war with yourselves I hope others will
not war with you

B Young said at our conference we appointed Felt
& Banks to be travelling Bishops to visit other Bishops
to call them to an account & see that they are

Faithful Bishops & you should feed the poor & do your
duty untill the spirit of God rest upon you & you hold
the keys of the Melchezedek priesthood of the Eternal God
& the power of it rest upon you forever

Brother Banks & Felt were ordained under the Hands
of the Presidency.

Afternoon Prayer By A Cordon. H. C. Kimball
says A Cordon is nominated to be a travelling [Bishop] carried
unanimously. He was ordained under the Hands of H C K
John & G A Smith Heber C Kimball sealed upon
his head all the keys of the priesthood said the power
of God
should rest upon his head to preside over
other Bishops. Another thing is necessiary which will
effect the whole world that is a reffermation chose
men who are filled with the Holy Ghost to go forth as
missionaries to stir up the feelings of the Saints in
all these vallies of the Mountains. I thank God
that we are free. Joseph Young D Fulmer &
Z Pulsipher was Appointed as missionaries

G A Smith Arose & said I feel perfectly at
home here. I want to speak concerning Iron Co I
had but 20 or 30 with me there. President Young wants
John D Lee to get a company to go over the rim
of the Basin & form a settlement in a good place
for wine fruit & corn I asked some of Amasas
company what they were going to do they said they
were going to plant a vineyard if they had done
it there wthey would have done good you should
go to Iron Co settle your families then go down
in the winter & build a fort the Indians there
are well supplyed with Arrows on foot No arrows
or guns it is poorer than Iron Co it Borders upon
the Great sahara desert. I felt that we are
free when I heard that Iron & coal was found in
abundance within 15 miles of each other in Iron Co. we
have not the Great Blast Furnises that are in the
world but must begin with the Native Element. He
also made other remarks

B Young made remarks conc[erni]ng the education of our children
wished parents to pay particular attention to teaching their children
After which the conference closed it was one of the most
interesting conferences ever held by this people.


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Cordon, Alfred
28 Feb 1817 - 13 Mar 1871
Lyman, Amasa Mason
30 Mar 1813 - 4 Feb 1877
299 mentions
Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3466 mentions
Apostle, Family
Fullmer, David
7 Jul 1803 - 22 Oct 1879
41 mentions
Smith, George Albert
26 Jun 1817 - 1 Sep 1875
1442 mentions
Apostle, Missionary
Kimball, Heber Chase
14 Jun 1801 - 22 Jun 1868
1463 mentions
Banks, John
6 Feb 1806 - 15 Jun 1862
Taylor, John, b. 1808
1 Nov 1808 - 25 Jul 1887
1964 mentions
Smith, Joseph (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844
Young, Joseph
7 Apr 1797 - 16 Jul 1881
Phelps, William Wines
17 Feb 1792 - 7 Mar 1872
Pulsipher, Zerah
24 Jun 1788 - 1 Jan 1872
Snow, Zerubbabel
29 Mar 1809 - 27 Sep 1888
27 mentions
Zion's Camp


Browse places mentioned in Wilford Woodruff's journal entry on this day. Click on the place names to view other pages where they are mentioned.


View selected quotes from this page in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

the keeping of the word of wisdom has done much good I will be exceding glad when we arive at wisdom in all things the word of wisdom was given in Kirtland 20 years ago for the benefit of all Saints when we live 20 or 50 years longer we shall see that we do not understand much of the word of wisdom we are but babes in understanding wisdom who understands it, was all spoken that might be spoken their is but one ysystem of explaining any Revelation & that is the Rev- elation of Jesus Christ in the heart of man when he possesses the Holy Ghost
~ Brigham Young
untill the kingdom of this world become the kingdom of our God we shall fight battle after battle untill the victory is won we have to fight & lay down our lives for Christ sake
~ Brigham Young
Jesus descended below all things before He ascended above all things we have got to sacrafice ever freely in order to be exhalted before God.
~ Brigham Young
he did not believe any man capable or qualifyed to speak acceptable to God no matter what his abilities were unless he had the spirit of the Holy Ghost
~ Orson Pratt

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Conference assembled according to adjournment. President Young said the time had come to commence the business of the Semi-Annual Conference. The business of the last Conference was productive of more good than any conference we ever held. The keeping of the "Word of Wisdom" has done much good. I will be exceedingly glad when we arrive at wisdom in all things. The Word of Wisdom was given in Kirtland twenty years ago for the benefit of all Saints. [Doctrine and Covenants 89] When we live 20 or fifty years longer we shall see that we do not understand much of the Word of Wisdom. We are but babies in understanding wisdom. Who understands it, were all spoken that might be spoken. There is but one system of explaining any revelation and that is the revelation of Jesus Christ in the heart of man when he possesses the Holy Ghost We are forbidden to eat meat in hot weather. Hot drinks and tobacco is not good for man You should not eat to over loading your stomach. There is a greater lack in my system of wisdom of tempering my food ^and exercise^ than in eating meat or tobacco. Tithing is coming in so fast there will not be room to receive it. I wanted this Conference to come together so that I could see their faces not to scold them. I want to see the faces of the Saints. They look better to me than all the glories of the earth. I said when the brethren got out of prison I wanted to sit and look at them three weeks Our Graineries and Store House are full


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Publication of the Manuscript History of the Church begins in the Deseret News.

Oct 6, 1851