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Day in the Life

Nov 18, 1855

Journal Entry

November 18, 1855 ~ Sunday

18th Sunday the People assembled at 10 oclok Meeting ope[ned]
by singing & Prayer By Joseph Young the People were addressed
b[y] Elder P. P. Pratt at length who spoke much to the edifica-
of the people

The People again assembled at 2 oclok. Prayer by Thomas
& the People were addressed by Joseph Young & follo-
wed by Erastus Snow & evry man during the conference
spoke in the demonstration of the Holy Ghost

The people were again assembled at 6 oclock & Prayer
by Orson Pratt. W. Woodruff addressed the people &
said that when I look upon the mountains & vallies & hills &
dales & both in the Heavens & on Earth I behold a great
variety in all the works of God & in looking upon the portr-
ait of the Presidency & Twelve I see no two men or things
look alike & what constitutes a part of the glory of God
is the great variety of his works so in the preaching of the
Presidency & Twelve each man might preach upon a different
subject & Handle it in a different manner yet all by the
same spirit & will edify the people. so I feel incouraged to think
that notwithstanding such a great flood of light & truth
has been presented to this people since the commencement of this
conference that the Lord will still give me sumthing that may
edify the people this evening. I would warn the people to give
heed to the strong teachings & exertations which they have


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal.

Snow, Erastus
9 Nov 1818 - 27 May 1888
640 mentions
Young, Joseph
7 Apr 1797 - 16 Jul 1881
304 mentions
Pratt, Orson
19 Sep 1811 - 3 Oct 1881
1037 mentions
Pratt, Parley Parker
12 Apr 1807 - 13 May 1857
524 mentions
Grover, Thomas
22 Jul 1807 - 20 Feb 1886
16 mentions


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W. Woodruff addressed the people & said that when I look upon the mountains & vallies & hills & dales & both in the Heavens & on Earth I behold a great variety in all the works of God & in looking upon the portr- ait of the Presidency & Twelve I see no two men or things look alike & what constitutes a part of the glory of God is the great variety of his works so in the preaching of the Presidency & Twelve each man might preach upon a different subject & Handle it in a different manner yet all by the same spirit & will edify the people. so I feel incouraged to think that notwithstanding such a great flood of light & truth has been presented to this people since the commencement of this conference that the Lord will still give me sumthing that may edify the people this evening. I would warn the people to give heed to the strong teachings & exertations which they have
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Discourse 1855-11-18
The people again assembld at 6 oclok oclock in the evening prayer by Orson Pratt W. Wooduff addressed the people & spoke of the great variety that was manifest in all the works of God both in heaven & on earth which added greatly to the interest & glory of God but all governed by the same spirit, power & law, so with the preaching of the elders of this church, they treat upon a great var[iet]y of subjects but all by the same spirit & unto edification exhorted parents to see that their children stored their minds with useful reading, esspecially with the prophesies & revelation of God, that any person who studies the Bible Book of Mormon & Doctrine & Co[v]enants thoroughly will be far more prepared to follow the living oracles & obey ther council than one who does not. Even Jesus Christ when he descended frm Heaven into the midst of the Nephtes He spent most of his time in reading whole chapters out of the scriptures to them. Exhorted the elders to keep a journal & History of the Dealings of God with them. Requested the young men to become thoroughly acquainted with phonography that they might become reporters to record the great things that God would manifest unto them in various ways in there day & generation. exort Exhorted the people to give heed to the strong teaching & council which they had received during this conference. many other remarks were made & subjects refered to by the speaker A few closing remarks were made by Elder Orson Pratt.


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

Wilford serves on Board of Directors of Deseret Agriculture and Manufacturing Society.

Nov 18, 1855