Day in the Life

Dec 9, 1856

Journal Entry

December 09, 1856 ~ Tuesday

Dec 9th I spent the day in the office writing the reports of Last Evening
I attended meeting with the Bishops I herd Bishop Hunter speak followed
by L. W. Hardy A. H. Raleigh & E. D. Woolley & I made some remarks

[FIGURE] {President Young gave me the following and said keep this to yourself
[It was] a list of names of persons and families as [sent/seen] by J M Grant
He began by saying oh the destruction that is coming shortly upon this people. It will begin at Carson Valley. Orson Hyde will be destroyed and part of his family. Colonel and Enoch Reese will be destroyed and many others in that place. The next that will be mentioned was going to be cut root and branch. Next was Orson Pratt and part of his family. Next was A P Rockwood. Next Fordham and part of his family. Next A Lyman a curse at that place|shorthand}

{L} W {Hardy also said to me that J M Grant named D H Wells and Cannon would be tried}


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Rockwood, Albert Perry
9 Jun 1805 - 26 Nov 1879
Raleigh, Alonzo Hazeltine
7 Nov 1818 - 13 May 1901
Lyman, Amasa Mason
30 Mar 1813 - 4 Feb 1877
295 mentions
Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3409 mentions
Apostle, Family
Wells, Daniel Hanmer
27 Oct 1814 - 24 Mar 1891
791 mentions
Woolley, Edwin Dilworth
28 Jun 1807 - 14 Oct 1881
117 mentions
Fordham, Elijah
12 Apr 1798 - 9 Sep 1879
Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2201 mentions
Grant, Jedediah Morgan
25 Feb 1816 - 1 Dec 1856
281 mentions
Apostle, Zion's Camp
Hardy, Leonard Wilford
31 Dec 1805 - 31 Jul 1884
229 mentions
Hyde, Orson
8 Jan 1805 - 28 Nov 1878
688 mentions
Pratt, Orson
19 Sep 1811 - 3 Oct 1881
1082 mentions


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Now wake up Brethren & see that you purify yourselves before you try to purify others then go forth & lift up your voice like a trumpet & call upon all men to repent get full of the Holy Ghost & there is not a man that will do it but what will be filled with Prophesyings as were the ancient Nephites
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Letter to Erastus Snow, 9 December 1856
G. S. L. City . Elder E. Snow Dear bro. I desire to drop you a few lines as the mail East goes out in the morning. The Reformation is going on in Israel with mutch warmth and stedfastness, the Missionaries in this city are taking an active part in preaching to, and stirring up the people. Prest. J. M. Grant went forward in this Reformation as an angel of God in the midst of his brethren, and with a loud voice proclaimed repentance in the ears of this people & made every exertion possible to get the people to live their religion. his labours were so unceasing that he brought his body down to the grave. He died on the 1st inst after about two weeks illness of chills & fever, then bilious fever, terminating in lung Fever. ^he was buried on the 4th. with military honors.^ He is much lamented in Israel, but now lamented for his own sake, for we know it is well with Jedediah The last hand cart Coy. arrived nNov 30 which relieved our feelings greatly. Many have suffered much having frozen their feet, hands, & limbs. The expense of this years emigration to us is immense, besides the suffering & exposing of the lives of our brethren who have gone to the rescue of the Companies. The last Coy. are at Bridger; and about 60 4 horse teams have gone out to bring them in, with about 30 or 40 tons of flour. Bro. Franklin & myself are all of the Quorum who are now in the valley, & the Presidency having put the Missionaries under our control, we feel that the responsibility upon us at this time requires us to live near the Lord that his grace may be sufficient for us. Praying that you and the brethren of our Quorum ^abroad^ may have the power & blessing of God to rest abundantly upon you for the salvation & gathering of Israel & desiring an interest in your prayers.
Discourse 1856-12-09
Wilford Woodruff / said that what he had heard to night was good, for we as a people have got to reform, especially with regard to our commercial matters, was glad to see such a willingness manifested towards relieving the Presidency of some of their burthens; he reminded the Bishops, that many were in the habit of taking their Grain to the Gentiles and trade it off he hoped they would put a check to it as far as they could; he would rejoice to see the day when all Bishops, Missionaries, Presidents, and others will be so far living their religion, and walking up to their duties, that the President could come into their meet- ings and rejoice in their midst. Spoke of the n^e^cessity of each one who holds the priesthood acting in their calling, and not to wait for President Young to put his hand upon everything that needs correction, he felt to say to Bishop Hunter, his Counsellors, and the Bishops generally May God bless and speed you, he then spoke of the reformation as being a straightforward and natural thing, there was no mystery about it, but consisted in leaving off every evil practise, and doing better, let us honour every man in his calling, and wherever any man in authority can exercise the spirit of mercy it is good, though it is neccessary to use the rod at times. May God bless you all Amen. The following "Ordinations" were attended to


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Members of Territorial Legislature rebaptized (Wilford for the fifth time).
Church membership is 55,236.

Dec 9, 1856