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Day in the Life

Dec 10, 1856

Journal Entry

December 10, 1856 ~ Wednesday

10th I spent the day in the office writing & the night at home Orson Hyde arived home this evening


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Hyde, Orson
8 Jan 1805 - 28 Nov 1878
670 mentions


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The following Dream was related by H. C. Kimball Nov 25 1856 Nov 25 I dreamed that I was travelling with a companion & we came to a powerful rapid stream of water like the Niagara River, the waves were rolling vary high & increasing in size the waters had been muddy but were getting Clear, as we came to this powerful stream we did not know how we should get over it. I turned my Eyes a few moments from my companion & when I look back I saw him on the other side of the river & climing a steep hill I did not know how he got there I wanted to cross so I called to him as loud as I could to stop & wait for me but He paid no attention to me but went on as Hard as He could then a person came to me & said you have an iron rod in your hand which I percieve I had several feet long the Angel said to me you must use this rod & feel your way over the river & I awoke
~ Heber C Kimball

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Letter to the Bishops and Presidents, 10 December 1856
Dear Brethren We feel it our Duty to call upon you to use your infleuence with all the Saints under your Care to Stop selling their Grain Pork, Beef & provisions to the Gentile Members of this City & Territoy for they are ^thirely^ throwing many thousands of Bushels of grain into the hands of men to feed our Enemies & ^put it^ out of the reach of our of this people. in case of famine & want, this should not be for by persuing this course the people will, cut their own thoats & Destroy themselves. If the Saints wish a Reformation let them begin by Reforming in this thing & God will bless them but if they continue in this course They will repent it when it is to late W. Woodruff F. D. Richards Presidents of the Missionaries G. S. L. City 10 Decem 1856
Autobiography 1883 Tullidge's Quarterly Magazine Notes 3
On the I had an interview with Orson Hyde who had just returned from Carson Valley Removal of the Legislature of Utah to G. S. Lake City


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

Members of Territorial Legislature rebaptized (Wilford for the fifth time).
Church membership is 55,236.

Dec 10, 1856