23rd Monday I met at the 14th ward school House with the Bishop & members
of the ward & I dedicated the new Font for Baptizing the a Hymn was
was sung & I offered up the dedication Prayer & said, O God the
Eternal Father we bow before thee in the Name of Jesus Christ & by
virtue of the Holy Priesthood to dedicate & consecrate this ground &
Baptizsmal Font unto the Lord our God. we Pray for thy blessing O Lord
to rest upon us in this Holy Ordinance we dedicate this ground & this
Font & the water which it contains unto the name of the Lord and we
pray thee to Bless & sanctify this ground & Font & may iet be Holy
before thee & the water which is in the Font & m[a]y thy power & Holy
spirit rest upon the Bishop of this ward & his councellors and upon
evry man who goeth down into this Faunt Font to baptize the children
of men may no unclean thing enter into this Font or any one come
into it to be baptized unworthyly & may they blessings rest upon all
men who shall administer in thy name in this Font & upon all who
shall be administerd unto by thy servants & we pray that the inhabit-
ants of this word shall lay aside all their sins & evils & may thy blessings
rest upon them we ask the[e] Holy Father to except of this dedication
& consecration at our hands which we offered unto thee in the
Name of thy Son Jesus Christ Amen
at the close of the prayer Elder Franklin D Richards went into
the Font & Baptized his Father Phineas Richards & abut 40 others
I went into the school House & assisted in confirming 14 Samuel
W Richards was mouth in the confermation of his Father. the Elders
continued to Baptize & confirmed members of the 14th ward through
the day. I met in council with the Rush valley Herd company
and we decided to bring over all the Heard & deliver them to the
owners. I attended A councel with the Presidency & Twelve
& others on the case of Bishop Hoagland & his wife Agnes she brought
a complaint against him that He did not pay attention enough to
her & provide well enough for her after hearing the matter on
both sides President Young said now go & do right & let Bishop
Hoagland Baptise you the same as the rest of the ward. I do not wish
to say much about this case but I think many things that I do not
want to say their is many women that care more about their
wives Husband sleeping with them than they do about God or his
kingdom & if a man was to submit to such women he would
not be worth shucks in building up the kingdom of God I have got
some such women & I visit them one a year or once in 3 years as
I please & they may go to heaven or Hell just as they please I
shall not turn away from the work of God for any woman if the
people will follow the council of the 14th ward Bishop they will be
led into the kingdom of God & so will Agness but she wants pillow
council instead of ward council well now if Agnes never hears
any more pillow council or private council take the council which
he gives to the whole ward & you will be saved men must attend
to the duties of the kingdom of God first before any other obj[ec]t
and Now Agnes go home & do right & Brother Hoagland go & Baptize
her if she wishes to be & so here the matter droped
I attended the council of Seventies at the 70s Hall Hosea Stout D
Candlin, & D Willkie addressed the meeting was followed by W Woodruff
& F. D. Richards we had a good meeting I received 6 of my sheep
to night From Thomas Kington
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