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Day in the Life

Dec 31, 1858

Journal Entry

December 31, 1858 ~ Friday

31st I attended the Legislature in the fore part of the day
I spent the afternoon at the Historians office, the Presidents
, at home & atthe Sevening at S M Blairs

The Eastern Mail arived last night brought but little news

[FIGURE] Thus ends the year of 1858. It has been an eventful
year a year in which the hand of God has been made
more visible than in any other period during the present
Generation, some of the greatest events have transpired
during the past year ever manifest among men. the
successful laying of the submarene Atlantic Telegraph
by which communication has been made between two
continents by means of an electrict wire on the bottom
of the Atlantic Ocean is the most steupendious work ever
achieved by man. Europe & America have made liberal
treaties with China & Jappan which have opened their
ports to the trade, commerce & intercourse with the whole
world which have been heretofore entirely closed up
for thousands of Generations. The Emperor of Russia
has laid the foundation for the liberation of millions of
surfs from a species of slavery which has existed
for sCentauries. The inhabitants of British India have
risen in their wrath to throw off the British yoke and
rivers of Blood as it were has been caused to flow in that
land and the spirit of war has been poured out upon
all Nations and France & other Nations have been
arming & preparing for a Deadly conflict. The whole
Earth is becoming corrupt before God, wickedness and
abominations are rapidly increasing throughout all Nations
The Gospel of Jesus Christ has beeen offered to all Nations
By the Elders of Israel whareever they could get access
to the people and the world in a great measure have rejected
the Gospel and the Lord is with holding his spirit from the


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal.

3 mentions
Historical Figure
Blair, Seth Millington
13 Mar 1819 - 17 Mar 1875
68 mentions


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

Wilford serves ninth term as member of Territorial Legislature.

Dec 31, 1858