The Legislatur of the State of Deserett met this morning at
10 oclok I was a member of the Senate. I was Appointed a committee
with L E Harrington with like committee from the House to wait
upon the Govornor to inform him that the Assembly was organized
and ready for Business and asked if He had any communication
to make. He appointed 12 oclok to meet the assembly in Joint Session
we met at 12 oclok & Govornor Young presented his Message which
was read by G Q Cannon his private secretary & 1000 copies ordered
to be printed. the Lieut Govornor H. C. Kimball made a verbal
speech. He said we are as free as we ever shall be. The Lord
will soon come to reign on the Earth and we are preparing for
it. I say to this Assembly be of good cheer you shall never be
hurt. God will be our friend deliver us. Our enemies shall
feel the power of God upon them. This is the kingdom of God, &
when we ask the United States to be admitted into there Union
it looks to me like asking alms of the devil. I ask no odds of them
I was Appointed a Lieutenat Govornor I am a great man
antint I. I have looked at the Charter it dont give me the right
to say bo [so]. But I am alive in Christ and we shall ride off
triumphant. The Lord is no respecter of Persons [Acts 10:34] God will bless
& deliver his faithful children he has pleasure & confidence in
them as we would in our faithful children. We should not
undertake to pull down our Brother to undertake to bu^i^lbt ourselves up
at his Expens. I can say God Bless you all in the name of the
Lord Amen
Govornor B. Young then arose & said see [blank]
24 we adjourned the Joint Session & went into separate Houses and after
doing what business was necessary we Adjourned sine die
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Lieut Govornor H. C. Kimball made a verbal speech. He said we are as free as we ever shall be. The Lord will soon come to reign on the Earth and we are preparing for it. I say to this Assembly be of good cheer you shall never be hurt God will be our friend deliver us Our Enemies shall feel the power of God upon them. This is the kingdom of God
I am alive in Christ and we shall ride off triumphant. The Lord is no respecter of Persons God will bless & deliver his faithful children he has pleasure & confidence in them as we would in our faithful children we should not undertake to pull down our Brother to undertake to bu^i^lbt ourselves up at his Expens.
View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.