Day in the Life

Jan 24, 1865

Journal Entry

January 24, 1865 ~ Tuesday

24. I spent the day mostly in writing at home A hand pointing to the right I wrote to Judge Kenny and sent him an Act of of the Legislature


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Kinney, John Fitch
2 Apr 1816 - 16 Aug 1902


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Lieut Govornor H. C. Kimball made a verbal speech. He said we are as free as we ever shall be. The Lord will soon come to reign on the Earth and we are preparing for it. I say to this Assembly be of good cheer you shall never be hurt God will be our friend deliver us Our Enemies shall feel the power of God upon them. This is the kingdom of God
~ Heber C Kimball
I am alive in Christ and we shall ride off triumphant. The Lord is no respecter of Persons God will bless & deliver his faithful children he has pleasure & confidence in them as we would in our faithful children we should not undertake to pull down our Brother to undertake to bu^i^lbt ourselves up at his Expens.
~ Heber C Kimball

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Letter to John Fitch Kinney, 24 January 1865
Hon. J. F. Kinney Dear Sir I wish to ask a favour at your hands. I have been made an agent by the Acts of the Legislative Assem- bly to collect the Agricultural Funds for this Territory, appropriately Congress see, Statutes at Large 38 Congress, 1863–4 page 47. I wish you to render me what assistense you can in the collection of these funds by giving me what information is needful, so that they can be collected and made use of for the benefit of the Territory I herewith inclos a certified coppy of the Act refered to, making me the Agent. For Any expence you may incur in this object I will see you remunerated. Your's Respectfully Wilford Woodruff


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Jan 24, 1865