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Day in the Life

Feb 14, 1877

Journal Entry

February 14, 1877 ~ Wednesday

14. I spent the day in the Temple we Baptized for the dead 792
[FIGURES] W Woodruff gave Seconed Anointing to 28 persons
10 for the dead & 18 for the living (David H Cannon 1, John
46, Anson P Winser 23 Willard G McMullin 3,
Thomas Alman 1, Daniel Duncan McArthur 6, Marius
3, James Bird 2 John Pulsipher 3, his Mother
& Father Zera Pulsipher dead and himself)


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal.

11 mentions
McArthur, Daniel Duncan
8 Apr 1820 - 3 Jun 1908
73 mentions
Cannon, David Henry
23 Apr 1838 - 24 Dec 1924
141 mentions
Bird, James
18 May 1811 - 20 Apr 1896
10 mentions
Pimm, John
5 mentions
2 mentions
10 mentions
5 mentions
Pulsipher, Zerah
24 Jun 1788 - 1 Jan 1872
101 mentions


Browse places mentioned in Wilford Woodruff's journal entry on this day.


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

Church membership reaches 115,065.
Wilford receives revelation authorizing proxy ordinances for his family by non-relatives.
In honor of Wilford's 70th birthday, 154 women serve as proxies in ordinances for his deceased female relatives.
Wilford and others finished writing down the ceremonies and temple procedures.

Feb 14, 1877