Morning, .
I AM pleased to have the opportun-
ity of again meeting with my breth-
ren and sisters in General Confer-
ence. There is one thing that is
very clear to my mind with regard
to myself and everybody else who
attempts to teach the Latter-day
Saints, and that is we all need the
spirit of the Lord, and without it
we cannot edify anybody, neither
can we build up Zion or do the work
of God without the Holy Spirit.
The prophets, the apostles, and all
men who have been called in every
age of the world to labor for the
kingdom of God have had to
be actuated by this principle, and
that is one reason, as Brother Car-
rington has said, why the weak
things of this world, whom the
Lord has chosen, have confidence in
God to go forth to lift up their voices
and preach the gospel of Christ and
do the work which is required at
their hands.
It is certainly interesting to any
reflecting mind to contemplate the
dealings of God with the inhabit-
ants of the earth in the various ages
and dispensations almost from the
creation of the world as far as we
have any knowledge. I have often
been struck, in reading ancient his-
tory, with the dealings of God with
some of the ancient cities of which
we have some account in
the Bible and other histories
aside from that book. For
instance there is Tyre and Sodom,
Nineveh and Babylon the great—
these mighty cities that were built
as it were to defy all time and all
power but God himself. Just as
quick as Isaiah, Ezekiel, Joel, or
any other prophet whom God raised
up to lift up his voice and declare
the word of the Lord concerning the
destiny of any of these cities, all the
power of Nebuchadnezzar and Bel-
shazzar, or any other king or priest
who dwelt in these cities, ruled
them, governed and controlled
them, had no power to stay the ful-
filment of the words of the servants of
the Lord; these cities have been
overturned, have been laid in the
dust in fulfillment of the word of
God whenever they were ripened
in iniquity. The Lord sent a poor
weak man named Jonah to Nineveh,
a great and mighty city, to go and
warn the inhabitants thereof to re-
pent, or in forty days Nineveh should
be overthrown. Jonah thought it
was a little too much for him, an
obscure man, to go unto a great city
like Nineveh and tell the inhabit-
ants that in a few days the city
would be overturned, hence he fled
into Tarshish, Lebanon. For this he had a pecu-
liar kind of experience for three days
and three nights; you are all acquaint-
ed with the history that I allude to.
When Jonah, however, got on dry
land again he went and fulfiled his
mission to the inhabitants of Nine-
veh. [Jonah 1-3] And I have many times
thought that if this generation was
like unto the Ninevites the world
would be different to what it is to-
day. When the people heard the word
of God they believed it. They
went to work and repented and
called upon the Lord, and we are
told "that God withheld the evil
that he had said he would do unto
them; and he did it." But I want
to say that in all these things, when
the Lord has called upon men to la-
bor in the building up of his king-
dom, he has chosen the weak things
of the world. And so it has been
throughout the whole generations
of men. In the days of Jesus Christ,
the apostles chosen were illiterate
men, fishermen a good many of
them; but the Lord gave them the
apostleship, he gave them the
priesthood, and they were command-
ed to go forth and preach the gospel.
But they had to suffer death for
their testimony.
I desire now to refer to ourselves.
In reflecting upon ancient days, let
us look at our own position. The Lord
raised up Joseph Smith. His his-
tory—his life, his works, his death—
is before the world to-day. Joseph
Smith was an illiterate man, as far
as worldly learning was concerned,
but he was an instrument raised up
by the Lord to lay the foundation of
this great and last dispensation. The
Lord held Joseph Smith responsible
for the keys of the kingdom of God,
for the revelations of heaven, for
every principle which the Lord had
revealed to him. Joseph Smith was
a great man—that is before the Lord,
before the heavens, and before this
generation. He was ordained of God
to lay the foundation of this Church
and Kingdom; he was true and
faithful unto death, and when we
look at what has followed the lay-
ing of the foundation of this
Church fifty years ago, with
six members, it is a marvel, it is a
mystery in the eyes of the world,
and it is even to us as Latter-day
Saints, to note the progress of this
church and kingdom from that day
until the present. The revelations
which have been given through the
Prophet Joseph Smith, as recorded
in the Book of Doctrine and Coven-
ants, have all had their fulfilment
as far as time would admit. Joseph
Smith lived until he laid the founda-
tion of this church and kingdom; he
lived until he received every key
and principle and priesthood which
belongs to this dispensation, and he
lived until he sealed the same upon
the heads of other men. Every man
that ever knew him, every el-
der or every saint of God that
ever traveled with him, or
have heard him converse, can
form some little idea of the spirit
that filled his bosom. I have seen
him from time to time, in my early
acquaintance with him in Kirtland,
smite his breast and say, "I would
to God I could unbosom my feelings
to my friends." But he could not do
it. It seems it was impossible for
him to reveal to the elders what God
had revealed to him. Nevertheless
he accomplished the work to which
he had been ordained and set apart
by the power of God. He lived, as
I have already said, until he organ-
ized the church in all its various or-
ganizations. He chose the apostles,
seventies, high council, high priests,
and all the various officers in the
church and kingdom of God, by rev-
elation, and when he had finished
this work, the Lord called him
home. He sealed his testimony
with his blood, and went
to the other side of the
vail. He holds the keys of the
kingdom of God on both sides of the
vail, and will hold them to the end-
less ages of eternity. Apostles were
called and set apart to carry on the
work which he commenced. Many
of them who were associated with
him have passed away, others re-
main here in the flesh.
If I could tell you the feelings of
my own heart I would say to the
apostles, seventies, high priests, and
all the officers of this Church and
kingdom, the God of heaven has
raised you up, according to my faith
and my view, and placed you here
on the earth and watched over you
until you have received the ordi-
nances of the gospel. You are rais-
ed up as a kingdom of priests. You
hold the power of the priesthood in
your hands, and I say you are held
responsible before high heaven, be-
fore the gods of eternity, before the
heavenly hosts, and will be held ac-
countable to the judgment day for
the manner you make use of this
priesthood and power which is put
into your hands. This is the con-
[d]ition of all of us from the apostle-
[ship] down through every depart-
ment of this church and kingdom.
There never was a generation since
God made the world that have had
greater power, greater responsibili-
ties, greater blessings, or that have
ever had the kingdom of God placed
upon their shoulders to remain on
the earth until the coming of the
Son of Man. Therefore, how great
the responsibility resting upon us as
apostles, as elders, and in every ca-
pacity in which we are called to act.
This is the way I view our position,
and when I have enjoyed a portion
of the spirit of God, when the vi-
sion of my mind has been
open to comprehend in any
measure our relationship to God and
the heavenly hosts, and the respon-
sibility we are under here to the
Lord and to this generation, I have
felt that I would to God that the vail
might be lifted to the vision of the
Latter-day Saints, that we might see
ourselves as God sees us, and as the
heavenly hosts see us. If we could
only comprehend this we would feel
in many respects different to what
we do at present. We would be dili-
gent. We would not have our hearts
set on the things of this life as they
many times are. Our labors are very
great, very extensive. The Lord re-
quires of us that which he has hardly
ever required of any other genera-
tion. We have the kingdom. We
have got to establish it and maintain
it by faith and good works with the
help of God while we dwell here in
the flesh. We have these temples
to build here in these valleys of the
mountains. This is one of the most
important branches of the responsi-
bility resting upon Latter-day
Saints—the redemption of our dead.
I have often referred to this subject,
because my mind has been opened
to it, my desires have been exercised
upon this principle. Nearly 1800
years have passed away and over 50
generations of men who have never
seen a Prophet or an Apostle, who
have never heard the gospel of Jesus
Christ, have gone into the spirit
world. They have gone there with-
out the gospel, they are under no re-
sponsibility to that law because they
never came under it. There are
therefore some fifty thousand mil-
lion people to-day in the spirit world
that have to be preached to by the
Elders of Israel. There was nobody
to preach to them until Joseph Smith
went into the spirit world with the
keys of the kingdom of God and un-
locked the prison door. The Prophet
Joseph had this subject of the re-
demption of the dead in his heart
until the day of his death. He la-
bored most diligently to this end.
These millions will be preached to,
and many will receive the truth,
while those who dwell in the flesh
have this duty to perform as their
descendants on the earth to go and
build these temples that we may at-
tend to ordinances for the dead
which the dead cannot attend to
themselves. God requires this at
our hands. It is our duty to enter
into these temples and redeem our
dead as far as we can, that we may
be justified when we go into the
spirit world. We have all the branch-
es, temporal and spiritual, of this
Church and kingdom to carry out.
We have got to build these cities,
towns and villages. We have got to
cultivate the earth, educate our chil-
dren, train them up in the nurture
and admonition of the Lord, [Ephesians 6:4] and it
is our duty as a people to unite our-
selves together according to the law
of God. We should not set our
hearts too much upon the things
of this world. The earth and the
riches thereof is the Lord's. He will
give them to the Latter-day Saints
as fast as they are prepared to re-
ceive them. But I tell you I have
thought many times that it is a ca-
lamity for a man to become rich in
the midst of this people. It is a
hard matter for a rich man to enter
into the kingdom of God. [Matthew 19:24] Men
when they are poor can labor for
their bread and feel thankful to the
God who gives it; but when we
become millionaires our hearts
begin to set upon the things of this
world. Not but what such men may
keep the commandments of God, do
what is right and be justified. I do
not make these remarks because I
wish to speak against the wealthy of
the Latter-day Saints, or anybody
else, but I speak of this that we
should not permit our hearts to be
set upon riches to deprive us of
magnifying our calling before the
Lord. We have got to become rich,
some time or other; the Saints
of God will yet possess the earth.
But the Lord holds us responsible as
a people for the building up of his
kingdom. We have got to build
these temples and redeem our dead.
We have got to pay our tithing.
This is a law which has been given
unto us. We should obey the law of
tithing as a people, so that we may
be qualified to inherit eternal life.
When I come to realize that my
destiny on the other side of the vail
depends upon the little time I have
to spend here, I feel that I have no
time to throw away. We should
seek for the Holy Spirit. We should
magnify our calling. This kingdom
given unto you Latter-day Saints, is
the kingdom of God. It is the king-
dom that Daniel saw, it is the ever-
lasting kingdom which has been
spoken o[f] by all the holy prophets
since the world was made. The
little stone cut out of the mountains
without hands, will roll until it fills
the whole earth. The heavenly
hosts are looking to nobody else upon
the footstool of God but the Latter-
day Saints to accomplish this work.
No other people have got the king-
dom. No other people have receiv-
ed the priesthood but the Latter-
day Saints, and we will be held res-
ponsible for the use we make of it.
Therefore, I think we should be di-
ligent, we should be faithful to our
duties, we should look to the posi-
tion which we occupy before the
Lord. Our blessings are great. The
revelations of heaven have been
given unto us. We possess the
Holy Ghost, it has been given to
this people. We have been gather-
ed by it from among the nations of
the earth through the instrumen-
tality of weak and humble men who
have been called upon to preach the
gospel. We regard this as being
one of the strongest evidences of this
being the work of God. The world,
however, hate us. This we re-
gard as another evidence of
the divinity of this work. Said
the Savior in his day, "If the world
hate you, ye know that it hated me
before it hated you. If ye were of
the world, the world would love his
own: but because ye are not of the
world, but I have chosen you out of
the world, therefore the world
hateth you." [John 15:18-19] The world hate this
people, the priests of the day
especially, and if they had
the power they would waste
them away from off the face
of the earth; but the Lord has said
that he would break in pieces every
weapon that is formed against Zion.
When the wicked stretch out their
hands to destroy this kingdom of
God, will they prevail? I think not.
We have got the kingdom of God.
The Lord is looking to us, the hea-
venly hosts are looking to us, Joseph
Smith and the whole of the spirit
world, who are righteous, are watch-
ing this people with intense interest.
They expect us to build Zion. They
expect us to build temples and re-
deem our dead. They expect us to
unites ourselves together and to keep
the faith and overcome the world,
the flesh and the devil. They ex-
pect these things at our hands, and
I do hope that they may not be dis-
We have every encouragement,
my brethren and sisters, to be faith-
ful. I thank God I have heard this
gospel. I thank God I have lived
to see this people. I thank God that
I have been associated with prophets
and apostles. All the happiness, all
the joy and all the consolation I
have ever had has been since I em-
braced the gospel of Jesus Christ. I
have a testimony for myself, as you
have for yourselves, that this is the
work of God. I know it is the work
of God. I know Joseph Smith was
a prophet of the Lord. The Lord
raised him up to lay the foundation
of this Church and Kingdom. No
man could do it of himself. The
voice of God, the voice of the Holy
Ghost, the voice of inspiration has
declared these things from day to
day and from year to year. It
is by this power that we have
been gathered together. Who could
have gathered this people by any
other principle only by the gospel of
Jesus Christ. Where is there a
minister on the face of the earth—
a minister of the gospel or one who
professes to be such—who dare go to
the nations of the earth and tell the
people that if they receive his testi-
mony and will go forth and be bap-
tized, they shall receive the Holy
Ghost? Is there any man on the
earth dare do this? No one. No
people ever has done it excepting
the Latter-day Saints. Why dare
they not do this? Because God
would not back up their testimony,
and if we had not been called of
God, if this gospel had not been of
God, we should have been found out
a great many years ago. When
we go and declare these things
we promise the sons and daughters
of Adam that if they will receive the
gospel of Christ they shall receive
the Holy Ghost. We offer this in
the name of Israel's God. We bap-
tize men and women, we lay hands
upon them, and they do receive the
Holy Ghost, and it bears record to
them and they rise up and bear tes-
timony of the truth of these things.
It is by this power we have been
gathered. It is by this power we
shall build up Zion. We shall con-
tinue to labor. We shall prosper.
We shall have power to build these
temples and dedicate them. We
shall have power to build others and
will continue this work until the
Son of Man comes in the clouds of
heaven to reward every man accord-
ing to the deeds done in the body.
Then let us as Elders of Israel
round up your shoulders for the
kingdom of God. Let us strive to
retain the Holy Spirit that we may
realize our responsibility and be
ready to magnify our calling and do
our duty before the Lord.
I pray God my Heavenly Father
to let his blessing rest upon us dur-
ing this conference—upon Brother
Taylor, the Apostles, the Elders of
Israel, and those who teach us and
instruct us, for Christ's sake,