I signed 25 Recommends I receivd 15 Letters I
wrote 4 public Letters I am sorry to have to record in
^ my Journal that there is quite a Division in the
Quorum of the Twelve Apostles Most of the younger
Brethren are Bringing Accusations against G Q Cannon
but He proves them all to be fals. We spent a painful
Day A spirit of Jealously has crept into the Quorum
I presented the importance of organizing the first
Presidency the following Names sustained it. W Woodruff
Lorenzo Snow F D Richard B Young & John W Taylor
^& D H Wells^ And the following Name opposed it Erastus Snow
Moses Thatcher F. M. Lyman John Henry Smith
& Heber J Grant we had a vary unpleasant day I
could not sleep at night
31. I spent the day in the House reading. The carpen-
ters were building the Bed room
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