Day in the Life

Apr 18, 1888

Journal Entry

April 18, 1888 ~ Wednesday

April 18, 1888
A hand pointing to the right I signed 124 Recommends I receivd 18 Letters
I wrote Letters I wrote 8 Letters to McAllister &c


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McAllister, John Daniel Thompson
19 Feb 1827 - 21 Jan 1910
663 mentions

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Letter to John E. Rogerson, 18 April 1888
Mr. John E. Rogerson Mancos Dear Brother: In your favor lately received by me you asked, in substance, the following question: Has the President of the stake or his Counselors the authority to confirm on a man who has been cut off the Church and is afterwards re- baptized, all his former blessings, ordinations and sealings; or is this authority vested only in the President of the Church or the Twelve Apostles? In reply I will say that the yes of this authority are keys of this authority are vested in one man only at a time of the earth, but when it is deemed proper to confer such blessings on a repentant man who has been received again into the Church by baptism, he who holds the keys can authorize anyone possessing the apostleship or High Priesthood to reconfer the blessings, sealings, endowments and priesthood the man formerly possessed and enjoyed. Should the man have held the Office of a Seventy it is deemed more consistent, with good order, that one of the Twelve or a President of the Seventies officiate when his priesthood is reconfirmed upon him. If the man has been guilty of any gross infraction of the laws of God it is not deemed desirable to re-impose too many responsibilities on him until he has proven his worthiness by his work and conversation, and then by permission of the General Authorities of the Church. With kind regards, I am Your Brother, Wilford Woodruff


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Wilford directs all 32 stakes to establish Stake Academies to educate youth of the Church.

Apr 18, 1888