Day in the Life

Jan 9, 1889

Journal Entry

January 09, 1889 ~ Wednesday

9th A hand pointing to the right I signed 32 Recommends. I received 19 Letters
I wrote 9 Letters 5 Public, & to Phebe Snow, Jaques, Atkin and
McArthur I had an interview with Joseph A West, and
Shirtliff & Frank Cannon & others


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

McArthur, Daniel Duncan
8 Apr 1820 - 3 Jun 1908
93 mentions
Cannon, Franklin Jenne
25 Jan 1859 - 25 Jul 1933
Jaques, John
7 Jan 1827 - 1 Jun 1900
West, Joseph Alva
12 Sep 1851 - 17 Apr 1926
22 mentions
68 mentions
Snow, Phebe Amelia Woodruff
4 Mar 1842 - 15 Feb 1919
346 mentions

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Letter from John Charles Ostler Jr., 9 January 1889

Nephi, Utah, President Woodruff Dear br I pen you a few Lines In Answer to your kind Letter x calling me to Great Britain to preach the Gospel. Altho it has taken me by surprise yet I feel Thankfull to god that he has counted me worthy to be called to do his will x and Also to my x Brethren for the considerate manner in wich it has been done giveing me 3 months to Arrange my Buesnis and get into Shape to Leave x Trusting that I may have the faith and prayers of my Brethren and Sisters to Support me ^I shall be ready by the time Appointed^ in my humble Effort to do what I can to the honour and Glory of God I Remain as Ever your br In the Gospel J. C. Ostler Wm H. Warner, Bishop

Letter from Michael Nielson, 9 January 1889

Richfield, . Prest. Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City. Dear Bro.: In reply to yours of the 3rd inst, I will say that I am willing to go on a mission, and will arrange my affairs accordingly. Being a man of limited means I cannot say whether I can get sufficient money to pay the ex- penses of my Journey by April 9th, but could soon earn what would be lacking when I get to S. L. City. I am a plasterer and mason. Respectfully your Bro. Michael Nielsen Jos. S. Horne, Bp. Richfield 2nd Ward. OK L J n

Letter to William Atkin, 9 January 1889

Salt Lake U. T. Wm Atkins Dear Brother I always make it a point to steal time Enough to answer all the Litters you write me I read your Last Letter of Dec 29 to Emma and she wanted me to say to you that while she has great confidence in your word upon almost Evry subject yet she says it is hard work for her to comprehend the truth that your 210 lb doctor Did Realy keep you one Day & night in boiling water & red hot salt she thinks if that was Really so that after going though that ordeal you would be so badly cooked that your Doctor could always handle you after that but I Expect it was

Letter from Jens Jensen, 9 January 1889

President W Woodruff Dear Bro Will you please be kind enough to forward me word when you want me to be in Salt Lake City to go on my mission as I am ancious to know so that I can make my arrangements accordingly I at^m^ at Manti now and Bro Wm H Evans will forward your letter to me as soon as he gets it I am sorry to trouble you but I wrote to you last week and have had no answer yet I remain Yours in the Gospel Jens Jensen P.S. Please send the answer to Wm H Evans Salina Sevier Co Utah

Letter from Lars Erick Larsen, 9 January 1889

Richmond Dec Pres Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother Yours of Jan 3 is at hand I am satisfied with the call and will try get ready at the time appointed Your Brother in the gospel L E Larson I hereby Endorse the above Wm L Skidmore Bp

Letter from George Christian Riser, 9 January 1889

Salt Lake City Presedent Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother! If I were not driven to the nesesity of laying before you my distressed circumstances, I certianly would not attempt to do so! in consequence of loosing my house in the 16th Ward about 11 years ago To attempt to explain to you on paper would be rather difficult and wearesome how this came about! Since that time I have been obliged to carry on my little business without means, in fact I have been obliged to buy in small quantities from 50 cts to 5 & 10$ worth at a time and genarly have been obliged to go in debt for a few dayes to the Co-op Store sins the boom, my Hous and Shop rent has been rasied from $1700 to $2475c I have to work early and late even to excess to satisfy the above requirements. I am now over 70 years of age. I have no earthly prospects for relief this side the grave unless I can induce some Frind to lend me a helping hand in this distressed condition. Dear Brother Woodruff would it be posable for you as a Trustee in Trust to extend to me

Letter from George Thomas Smith, 9 January 1889

Georgetown . Pres. Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro I just received a call to day from you asking my feelings in regard to taking a mission to New Zealand. In answer I would say whatever you say I am to do I feel it a call from god through you and am on hand to respond. From Your Loving Bro. Geo. T. Smith H A Lewis OK L J n

Letter from Carl Edward Soderlund, 9 January 1889

East Mill Creek President Willford Woodruffe Dear brother Inasmuch as my name has been Suggested and accepted in the Missionary field, I am Willing And Readey to be on hand bey April 9th Beliving it to bi a greath honor, thar being Nothing to hinder me from engaging in the work of the Lord Your Brother in the Gospel Carl. Soderlund John Neff Bp.


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Jan 9, 1889