Day in the Life

Jan 8, 1889

Journal Entry

January 08, 1889 ~ Tuesday

Jan 8, 1889
A hand pointing to the right I signed 23 Recommends, I received 14 Letters I wrote
9 Letters 8 Public I visited Dr J M Benedict & admin-
to his Father who was in a Dying condition His
Name is Francis K Benedict I also went to the farm
& Back & spent the daynight at the Gardo 6 miles

F D Richards administered to Br Benedict with me I had
an interview with F M. Lyman on his Mission South


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Lyman, Francis Marion
12 Jan 1840 - 16 Nov 1916
277 mentions
Richards, Franklin Dewey
2 Apr 1821 - 9 Dec 1899
818 mentions
Benedict, Joseph Mott
29 Apr 1844 - 24 Jul 1896


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Letter from Christian J. Mortensen, 8 January 1889

Salina . President Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro. Your letter of the 3 inst. came duly to hand. And I feel willing to respond to the call made in the same, and although my means are rather limited, yet if it be possible for me to raise the necessary funds (within the specefied time) to defray my traveling expenses I will respond to the call and be ready to to leave Salt Lake City for the missionary field April 9th 1889. With kind regards I remain your brother in the Gospel Christian J. Martensen James S Jenson Bp Salina

Letter from Edward McGregor Patterson, 8 January 1889

Idaho President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother Yours of the 3 Inst came to hand and I have read it carfully. If I am capable and worthy to perform such a mission as you have notified me of I feel it my most sacred duty and will try to be ready at the apointed time God been my helper Your humble Brother in the Gosple of Christ Edward M Patterson Wm Hulme Bishop

Letter from Charles England, 8 January 1889

Franklin. Ida. . Prest. Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brother. Your letter of Jan. 3rd notifiying me that I have been called to labor as ^a^ missionary in Great Britain is at hand and duly noted In reply I have but to say that with the help of the Lord I will endeavor to be on hand on the day (Feb. 26) named. I should be pleased to have you inform me as soon as conveniant when it will be necessary for me to come to Salt Lake to

Letter from Richard Yeates, 8 January 1889

Logan Prest. Woodruff Dear Brother My feelings in relation to performing a Mission to Great Britain according to your letter to me, is to obey the call and do the best I can Your Brother and fellow laborer in the cause of Truth Richard Yeates Joseph Morrell acting Bishop 3rd ward Logan

Letter from Lars Christian Johnsen, 8 January 1889

Richmond President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother Yours of January 3rd is at hand, and will say, I always considered it a great honor to labor in the priesthood to the glory of God. I am willing to go, and will try and be prepared. Your Brother in the gospel L. C. Johnson. I hereby endorse the above. Wm L Skidmore Bp

Letter to Jason Mack, 8 January 1889

Dear Brother Joseph, In forwarding a letter to you from Prest Woodruff I thought I would drop a few lines. I received your note informing me of how you had attended to the business during my trip to Provo, also the letters which had not been attended to. Had I known you were going away I would certainly have called to see you on Sunday evening before you left as I came back on Saturday night. It would have given me much pleasure to accompany you to the east but as it was decided otherwise I am quite content to labor where it is considered I can do the most good. Had I known what the arrange- ments were I could have informed you sooner of the departure of West, McBride, Lannon Baskin & Ferry, but did not know until your

Letter from Isaac Washington Pierce II, 8 January 1889

Isaac W Pierce Jun Loa. Recd Jan 16 [18]89 Ans [Jan] 17 [18]89 Loa, Piute County Utah. Jan 8th 1889. Prest. W. Woodruff, Dear Brother, I returned from a mission to the Eastern States on the 4th of July last. I had been a way from home over 26 months I have two wives, the first has 9 children some married the youngest one is 7 years old they are on a new farm here in this place with a few cattle horses and sheep. My 2nd wife has two living children the Eldest is 7 years old the youngest about 3 years old, and prospects for another in process of time. She and


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Jan 8, 1889