Day in the Life

Oct 16, 1889

Journal Entry

October 16, 1889 ~ Wednesday

16 We returned to the City 165 Miles
I signed 137 Recommends I receivd 74 Letters
I attended A Bank meeting & held a Meeting with
the City Council

17 Henry & Nellie left this Morning with their
children I went to the City & signed 42 Recommends
I receivd 23 letters I wrote 7 Letters I held a
Meeting with the City Council Itwice during the
day {It was a calm day [illegible shorthand] of land and city.} 6 M[iles]


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Woodruff, Emma Manella
4 Jul 1860 - 30 Nov 1905
245 mentions
Woodruff, Henry Azmon
20 May 1855 - 2 Feb 1939
138 mentions


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Letter from Alphonzo Winget, 16 October 1889

Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother! In answer to your letter Dated 8th Oct [18]89 I will say that I will make arrangements to be at Salt Lake City on the 5th of November preparetory to Starting on the 6th for the Missionary field your Brother in the gospel of Christ Alphonzo Winget Thos. Cooper Bp O.K. L. J. n.

Letter from Osborn B. Cooley, 16 October 1889

Joseph President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother Yours of October 8th 1889 Received. In answer to the call made on me to go to the Southern States, And labor as A missionary will say that I am willing to go And if nothing happens to present I will be ready to Leave Salt Lake City at the appointed time 6 November 1889 Your Brother in the Gospel Osborn B Cooley G. A. Murdock Bp OK L J n

Letter to Clara Martisha Woodruff Beebe, 16 October 1889

At home with Ma My Dear Clara As Ma is writing I will write a few lines to say that I am as well as usual though I am pretty well tired out with consta[n]t Meetings & work. Well yesterday I I had a social chat with Marshal Dyer by Appointment but in an hour afterwards He wanted to supoenia me to attend court on the Church trial and said No & so I left the office I come home to Escape the Marshal as I did not want to go court I also had an interview with two Noted Lawyiers who came from the East to plead our cause Senator McDonald & Col Broadhead of St. Lewis I helped Ma & Owen la[s]t n[i]ght strip the orchard of Winter pair man Apples as the Men were Destroying them all we picked two heaping Buggy fulls they are Now pulling the roof on Asahels

Letter from George Teasdale, 16 October 1889

Pres Geo Teasdale Liverpool Rec Oct 28 [18]89 [end of sideways text] LATTER-DAY SAINTS', EUROPEAN PRINTING PUBLISHING AND EMIGRATION OFFICE. 42 Islington, Liverpool October 16th, 1889. President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Utah. My dear brother: I have just returned from a very satisfactory visit to the Nottingham Conference I left here on Saturday Afternoon 12th inst and was met at the Depot at Nottingham by Prest Jno H. Hays and some of the Elders from Utah. We held a Priesthood Meeting oin the evening. There were fifteen Elders from Utah and several of the local Presidents of Branches and local priesthood. On Sunday we held three meetings. On Monday a meeting with the Utah Elders in the morning and in the evening I preached at Hucknall Torkard. Yesterday after visiting at Hucknall I went to Mansfield and held a meeting Elders H. H. Shurtliff, H Y Tilley and myself doing the preaching. We had a most excellent time. This Conference is in an excellent condition. On Saturday last Elders L. A. Cannon, E. L. Sloan and his sister left for Utah pr. Guion S. S. Nevada. When we received your cablegram we notified these brethren and on the following day for the departure of a Guion Co. Steamship they left for home. Bro. E L Sloan seemed ra- ther disappointed to have to return before the completion of his mission, but Bro. Cannon having

Letter to Joseph Fielding Smith, 16 October 1889

Salt Lake U.T. President Joseph F. Smith, Dear Brother Jos. F.: We think of taking a trip to Canada, and as you expressed a desire to go, we advise you as early as we can of our intention. We would like to leave here on next Monday, and as you are in Logan, and that far on your route, we think it best to advise you, so that you may, if you wish, make your arrangements to go on north and join us at some

Letter from Karl Gottfried Maeser, 16 October 1889

Provo City, President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother, In conformity with the resolutions of the General Board I made an appointment to meet with the Weber Stake Board, attend their Academy, and place myself at their disposal generally for the educational interest of Weber Stake during next Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, returning to Provo on Monday morning. I also have made appointments for the same purpose for Wasatch Stake Board and Academy, for Saturday, Sunday, & Monday, Oct. 26–29; for Summit Stake Board and Academy, Wednesday, Thurs- day, & Friday, Oct. 30–Nov. 1; and for Morgan Stake Board & Academy, Saturday, Sunday, & Monday, Nov. 2–4. From Morgan I should go to Randolph, via Evanston, from there to Paris, thence to Franklin, Logan, & Brigham City. There are also now Stake Academies in operation at Rexburg, Malad, & Albion, the journey around these places, however, would have to be done mostly by rail incurring considerable expense.


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford receives revelation on politics and polygamy; will not trade religion for statehood.

Oct 16, 1889