April 5. Met at 10 oclok Prayer By J. D. T. McAllister
Resolution upon Education was presented & Received
F M. Lyman spoke 30 M[inutes] John Henry Smith spoke 10 M[inutes]
F. M. Merrill spoke 18 M[inutes], A H Lund spoke 11 M[inutes]
G Q Cannon spok 5 M[inutes] Afternoon prayer By C W
Penrose Abram M Cannon spoke 15 M[inutes], A O Smoot 12 ^m[inutes]^
Authorities of the Church were presented & Accepted
G Q Cannon spoke and gave Direction for tomorrow
J Morgan spoke 14, P H Roberts 9 M[inutes]. The Priesthood
held a Meeting in the Evening Prayer By G Reynolds
J F Smith spoke to the Priesthood for 30 M[inutes], Followed
By G. Q. Cannon & W. Woodruff. The spirit of
God was with us in our Meetings And we had
a vary interesting time
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