Day in the Life

Aug 22, 1894

Journal Entry

August 22, 1894 ~ Wednesday

Aug 22, 1894
^ A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right^ I mailed a Letter to Owen to day I met with
Ogden Power Company Board upon the subject of Buying
the canal of Webber River Below Ogden

Henry Nellie & 2 children arived in the Evening


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Woodruff, Abraham Owen
23 Nov 1872 - 20 Jun 1904
642 mentions
Apostle, Family, Missionary
Woodruff, Emma Manella
4 Jul 1860 - 30 Nov 1905
245 mentions
Woodruff, Henry Azmon
20 May 1855 - 2 Feb 1939
142 mentions


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Letter from Charles Roscoe Savage, 22 August 1894

Salt Lake City, Utah, President W. Woodruff Dear Brother, This morning our valued and much esteemed helper C. W. Rogers was notified of being chosen as missionary to Tahiti. In behalf of Brother Rogers I desire to make the following presentation: He is of course ready to obey the call; but if he had the least choice, would prefer Germany for the reason he has been studying the language for some time. Moreover his health was not good when on the Pacific Islands, where he came from, eight years ago.

Letter from Thomas R. Cutler, 22 August 1894

Lehi, Utah . Pres't Wilford Woodruff, Box. B. S. L. City. Dear Brother: I enclose a letter from Levi A. Phillips who has been called to the southern states; the time appointed for him to leave is October next. He has been up to see me and explained his circumstances which are as follows: He has a wife and two schildren and is in possess ion of a small home ^on^ which he has just succeeeded in clearing off the debt. We are not able to give him constant work, and he is employed probably 8 months out of 12, and he says that he has not means at present; but as the sugar campaign is about commencing, with economy he could save a little money and be prepared to go on his mission April next. As this ward like all other wards just now, is heavily taxed to meet all demands on it, if it meets with your approbation, I should certainly reccommend that he be realesed until then. Very truly yours, Thomas R. Cutler Bp. E. C.

Letter from George B. Wintle, 22 August 1894

Blackfoot August 22nd 94 President Woodruff Dear brother in reply to your request of me filling A mission. I will be there at the time Appointed if nothing takes plase more serious than I expect no more at present hopping that the Lord will attend me in my efforts yours truly George B Wintle C. E. Liljenquist. Bishop. All right. [ Joseph Fielding Smith ]

Letter from Peter Nease Guymon, 22 August 1894

Colo Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I received a letter from you stating that I was called as a misionary to the southern states & what my feelings is in regards to this call all that I can say is that if I can posably get the money to bare my expences I will meet you at the Historian's Office on ^the^ 9th of november 1894 to be set apart for that mission. your your Brother in ^the^ gopel Peter N Guymon Ephraim Coombs Bishop All right. J. F. S.

Letter from Joseph Stewart Geddes, 22 August 1894

Plain City President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother your favor of the 18th inst. was duly received and contents carefully noted. In reply I can only say that I am willing to devote my time and energies in the advancement of Gods Kingdom be it at home or abroad. True my circumstances are not the best, but have no excuse to make. I therefore cheerfully accept the call, and will begin at once to so arrange my affairs at home that I may be in readiness to leave at the appointed time. I remain your Brother in the Gospel. Joseph. S. Geddes I fully endorse the above, and am confident Bro. Geddes will be an energetic worker in the Missionary field. G. W. Bramwell Jr Bp Plain City Ward O.K. J. F. S.

Letter from Andrew Kimball, 22 August 1894

Ogden, Utah, President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City. Dear Brother: On arriving here I found Elder William Newman had not received any word from you respecting any change of mission in answer to my letter to you some time since. He has made every preparation to go to Indian Territory, and owing to a desasterous fire which destroyed their place of business, he is so imbarraced that he could not I well go to a more expensive mission. So please let his call remain as it is to leave home Sept 1st for Indian Territory. And greatly oblige him and your Brother in the Gospel Andrew Kimball All right. So let it be. J. F. S.


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Aug 22, 1894