Day in the Life

Apr 17, 1895

Journal Entry

April 17, 1895 ~ Wednesday

17 I went met with Col Trumbo about the suffridge


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Letter from David William Coolbear and Alma Hyder Davis, 17 April 1895

Prest. Wilford Woodruff and First Presidency Of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Salt Lake City Utah. Dear Brethern: We are requested by the members of the St. John Branch of the church, to lay before you a proposi- tion. We have here a small but thri- fty organization, Presided over by Elder Geo. Baker. But under the circum- stances now prevailing viz. being with- out any place to meet and hold public worship other than a private residence. And in a city the size of St. John, where other denominations have their places of worship. People are loth to come out to our services, and greatly deters our Pprogress. But now a grand opening

Letter from Charles Henry Ohlwiler, 24 April 1895

Letter from Henry Dexter Bartholomew, 17 April 1895

President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brother, Your favor of the 12 inst. reached me to-day. In answer will say I am willing to comply with your request, and shall endeavor to be ready at the appointed time (May 11, 1895) Your Brother in the Gospel. Henry Bartholomew. Wm Neeley Bishop All right J. F. S.

Letter from William Douglass Dixon, 17 April 1895

Payson, Utah . President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brother, Your very unexpected letter of Apr. 9th calling me as a Missionary to the Southern States was received on Thursday last. In reply I will say that I am willing to do my duty to the best of my ability, and will try to be ready to leave on July 27th 95,


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Eighth Constitutional Convention held; new Utah Constitution banning polygamy ratified November 5th.

Apr 17, 1895