Day in the Life

Jun 17, 1896

Journal Entry

June 17, 1896 ~ Wednesday

17. I spent the day in the office It was a vary warm
Day. We had an Account of F. M. Lymans Doctrin
Preached in the Last Conference in Salt Lake City read
to us some things would have to be corrected in it


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Lyman, Francis Marion
12 Jan 1840 - 16 Nov 1916
279 mentions


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Letter from Benjamin Winter Scott, 17 June 1896
June 17 1896 To the first Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints Dear Bretheran I am informed that a report has come to you that I was here in Florida Preaching fals Doctrin, I Deny the Charge, I have not Preached a dDiscorce in Public since I have been in Florida neither in Pulpit or out, I have been Working for the advancement of the Church and Kindom of god, ever since I have been here, I Brought with me quite a number of Church Books and a whole Vollam of Jueveniles Instructors Witch I have Laned out and most of them ar out yet and as fast as they come in I lend them out a gain, there is ardly a day passes that I dont have a gospel conversation, and I delight in talking about the Princeapels of the gospel,


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Jun 17, 1896