Day in the Life

Jun 18, 1896

Journal Entry

June 18, 1896 ~ Thursday

18 I went to the Temple G Q Cannon to Ogden it was warm
J F Smith & A. H, Cannon went to Calafornia


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Cannon, Abraham Hoagland
12 Mar 1859 - 19 Jul 1896
154 mentions
Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2292 mentions
Smith, Joseph Fielding
13 Nov 1838 - 19 Nov 1918
4147 mentions


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Letter from Joy Wells Dunyon, 18 June 1896
Bluff Dale, Pres. Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Dear Brother: Your letter of June 9th, in regards to missionary labor, is recei- ved. I accept the call, and will be ready on the day mentioned. Your Brother in the Gospel Joy W. Dunyon. Lewis H. Mousley Bishop
Letter from William Dalton Neal, 18 June 1896
President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother, Your letter of June 9th came duly to hand. I accept the call to Switzerland and Germany and can be ready to start on the date named in your letter: viz., Aug. 8th, 1896. I have saved up money in order to be able to continue my studies in some of the eastern or perhaps foreign universities and hence have some means with which to pay expenses to my field of labor. Being a schoolteacher by profession whose specialty is work in the lines of Geology and and and Mineralogy, and a plumber by trade, I would appreciate the kindness if it could be so arranged that I could, in connection with my other duties, familiarize my self as much as possible with the European school systems, schools, especially the high schools and the universities, museums, mines and places of geological interest, as well as become acquainted with the European materials and methods of work in the department of plumbing and sanitary science. Trusting that the above reply will be satisfactory, I am, dear sir, very respectfully, Wm. D. Neal. (over)
Letter from Marriner Wood Merrill, 18 June 1896
Logan, Utah Prest Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro I would like to close the Logan Temple for renovations and repairs on Friday Evening July 3rd and Open again for work on Tuesday Sept 1st 1896 if this meets your approval please answer by return mail so I will have time to give notice. I will However accept any suggestion you may make about Opening & Closing, we find a very few come in the Heat of the season and it is also a very busy time in this valley, we have for the last two years saved enough from saliries of Employ as during vacation to buy our fuel for the year which save the nessesity of asking the Church for means to buy our fuel. we will however need about the same approation from the Church as other years to take care of the Grounds save & split wood for the furnice &c buy $80000 for the year which the Presidency has appropiated about this time of the season, and if you could do the same this year we will appreciate your kindness Your Bro M. W. Merrill


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Jun 18, 1896