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Day in the Life

Feb 23, 1897

Journal Entry

February 23, 1897 ~ Tuesday

23 ^[FIGURE]^ I spent this day in the office I received 3 Letters had
many callers during the day


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Letter from Samuel Miles Jr., 23 February 1897
St. George, Pres, Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother. yours of the 16th isnt. calling me as a missionary to the state of California, is received, in reply I will say, that I accept the call, and shall endeavor to be on hand at the appointed time. Could you or any of the Brethren, give me any information as to what I shall need in the way of funds to pay my R R fare or what I will need when I get there or any general information that will help me to prepare in a financial way? hoping that I may be able to fill an Honorable mission. I am your Brother in the cause of Truth Sam'l Miles Jr James Andrus Bishop California 8 Apl 97 Answered. MT Feby 27 [18]97
Letter from Edward Schoenfeld, 23 February 1897
Salt Lake City, . To the first Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints. Dear Brethren. In as much as I have spent much of my spare time in the interest of the "Beobachter" and consequently know all about the up hill business of the same, and and also of the heroic efforts and restless labors of the publisher, Brother Ward, I can truthfully testify, that, judging from frequent letters from Germany and other places, this paper has now become a necessity as an aid to the missio- naries in those lands. Whilst it does not claim to be a church paper, or in any way calculates to work in the same channel, as


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

Publication of Conference Report begins (replaced by Ensign Conference issue starting in 1965).

Feb 23, 1897