Day in the Life

Feb 24, 1897

Journal Entry

February 24, 1897 ~ Wednesday

24 I spent the day in the office several called upon us
John W Hess, George C Parkenson Reporter of the Tribune
& many others


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Hess, John W.
52 mentions


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Letter from James A. Hunter, 24 February 1897

Salt Lake City, Utah, President Wilford Woodruff, and Counselors. Dear Brethern Your communication of Nov 23 [18]976 stating that missionarys for Europe would leave Salt Lake City March 27, [18]97 at hand. I am pleased to state that I am now ready, and willing to go into the world and with the help of our Heavenly Father do all Iin my power to spread the Gospel. Your Brother in the Gospel James A. Hunter Brother Jas A Hunter is a good young and I take pleasure in indorsing him for this mission your Brother in the Gospel Jas C Watson Bishop Sixth ward

Telegram from Benjamin Cluff Jr., 24 February 1897

Received at President's Office, Salt Lake City, at 1:40 pm Dated, Provo, 26. To President Wilford Woodruff Mrs. Mountford has expressed a desire to visit some of the smaller settlements & has consented to give her lectures under the auspices of the academy in Manti, Richfield and other places. If you sanction this we will be pleased to make all necessary LINES TO ALL PRINCIPAL POINTS IN UTAH, PIOCHE, NEVADA, AND PARIS, IDAHO.

Letter from John LeRoy Egan, 24 February 1897

President Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother I was away from home when your letter of the 19th inst. came having returned I hasten to reply. I have received a letter from Apostle John W. Taylor telling me to leave here on the 15th of March. I accept the call cheer- fully, and will be ready to go at time appointed if all is well and will do the best I can to assist in the sprad spreading of truth, trusting in the Lord for help and guidance. Your Brother in the Gospel John L Egan (Over)

Letter from Hyrum King Cranney Jr., 24 February 1897

Logan. President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I, recieved your letter of the 19th in regard to leaving March 18th for a southern states mission in reply will say that I can and will be ready at that time, your Brother in the Gospel Hiram K. Cranney. Prest W Woodruff Dear Brother— I can recomend Brother Cranny as a good Latter-day saint and belive he will do good on his mission with Kind regards your Brother in the gospel Thomas X Smith Bp

Letter from Joseph Marion Tanner, 24 February 1897

LOGAN, UTAH, . Pres. Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City. Dear Bro. We have just received for our college library your generous gift of Church works, including 32 books and 10 pamphelets; for which please accept our sincerest thanks. Students often call for these works and will be glad to know that they are now in the library. Yours Fraternally J. M. Tanner


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Publication of Conference Report begins (replaced by Ensign Conference issue starting in 1965).

Feb 24, 1897