Day in the Life

Feb 25, 1897

Journal Entry

February 25, 1897 ~ Thursday

25 The Presidency & Twelve Met in the Temple and
talked over John W Taylors Mission at Denver
and other Matters


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Taylor, John Whittaker
15 May 1858 - 10 Oct 1916
157 mentions
Apostle, Missionary


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Letter from Ellis Hills Johnson, 25 February 1897

Mesa President Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Bro: In replying to the call made of me for a Southern States mission, will say the call is agreeable to my feelings and I will make all calcol- ations of on being on hand at the specified time. Yours Respcty Ellis Johnson J M Horne, Bp.

Letter from Richard Nephi Hill, 25 February 1897

Smithfield Feb 25 [18]97 Prest W. Woodruff Salt Lake Dear Bro: Persuant to your request I take advantage of the present oppertu- nity to inform you that, if nothing to the contrary transpires, I will be in Salt Lake Mar. 17 ready to be set apart for mission. I would be pleased if you would make arraingments to have my R. R. Ticket purchased for half fare from Smithfield. Trusting my re- quest will meet your approv- al I remain Your Bro in Christ R. N. Hill

Letter from James Thomas Poulton, 25 February 1897

President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother Yours of the 23rd inst at hand and am pleased to say I can be prepared to leave this City at the date set which was the 27th of March, for a mission to Great Britain. And with the help of the sprit of the Lord I am willing to go and try to fulfill the mission honorably and faithfully. Your Brother James T Poulton I take pleasure in indorsing Brother Jas T Poulton for this mission he is good young man I remain Your Brother in the Gospel Jas C Watson Bishop Sixth ward

Letter from Peter Sanford Olson, 25 February 1897

President Wilford Woddruff S. L. City Ut Geo Reynolds Sec Dear Brethren yours of the 20th inst is reeceived and will say that I will get ready to go on my mission at the time when the company leaves for Europe, April 17th next your Brother in the Gospel Peter S. Olson P.S. please give date when I will be set apart. P. S. O.

Letter from Andrew Kimball, 25 February 1897

St. John Kansas, To the First Presidency Salt Lake City Utah. Dear Brethren: Have just returned to St. John I take pleasure in reporting conditions in general as I have found them during my visit through the mission. In each of the conferences, the result of a series of council meetings wherin we greatly enjoyed the Spirit of the Lord; our Elders accepted the instructions in the Spirit in which they were given, and have gone out to their various fields thoroughly imbued with the Spirit of their mission; and a determination with the help of the Lord, to perform their whole duty. My first visit to Arkansas did not prove to disap- point me, for I did not expect much of that people and have not changed my mind; however I believe in time it will result in a very good missionary field Am more than pleased with the State of Texas, and happily surprised finding such an intelligent progressive people far above my expectations and

Estate Papers - Receipt, 25 February 1897

Salt Lake City, Utah, 189[7] Mr. A. H. Woodruff Z.C.M.I. IN ACCOUNT WITH HEBER J. GRANT & CO., INSURANCE. HORACE G. WHITNEY, MANAGER. OFFICES, 20-26 MAIN ST., UP-STAIRS. TELEPHONE 500. P.O. BOX 1708. Folio Date Policy No. Company Amount Rate Term Property Premium 22.25 [stamp] To account rendered. [stamp] Due and payable on the 25th day of the month following date of issue. [stamp] H. J. GRANT & CO., PAID FEB 26 1897 PER Whitney


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Publication of Conference Report begins (replaced by Ensign Conference issue starting in 1965).

Feb 25, 1897