Day in the Life

Feb 26, 1897

Journal Entry

February 26, 1897 ~ Friday

26 Nellie Arived this Morning with 3 of her children she
has just Got a Bill of Divorce from Her husband
Henry A Woodruff


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Woodruff, Emma Manella
4 Jul 1860 - 30 Nov 1905
245 mentions
Woodruff, Henry Azmon
20 May 1855 - 2 Feb 1939
138 mentions

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Letter from Benjamin Fullmer, 26 February 1897

Pres. Wilford Woodruff Dear. Brother Your kinde letter of the 23 inst com to hande, and its contense calls me on a mission to the Eastern States in the month of May. I will bee ready at your disposel Your Brother Benjamin Fullmer Wm Thorn Bp 7th Ward

Letter from Josiah Call, b. 1862, 26 February 1897

Rigby . President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother As you requested me to inform you when my circumstances were more favorable than they were at the time I wrote you last acording to your desire I now let you know how I am fixed financially I can pay all my Debts but will have nothing left to go on But the Bishopric has kindly profered to rais me $50.00/100 so if that is sufficent to fit me up and take me to my field of labor and you wish me to go I am on hand to go and do the best I can

Letter from William Daniel Jackson, 26 February 1897

Toquerville Pres. Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City Dear Brother Your's of Feb. 23 was duely recieved and in answer will say, I will accept of the call made and will strive in my feeble way with the help of God, to fulfill an honorable mission and will try to be at Salt Lake City, the time appointed June 10, 1897. As to the call to California I am well pleased with the appointment. Your Brother in the Gospel, W. D. Jackson. Wm A Bringhurst Bishop

Letter from Ephraim H. Nye, 26 February 1897

President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brother: In my last letter I asked for instructions on the following matter. There is a coupple in Sacramento members of the Church; who had their Endowments in the Endowment House years ago, and were married there; they afterward came uout here and the Husband has a good posoition in the R. R. Shops. They are good faithfull Latter-Day- Saints. Their House has been a home for the Elders for years. The Sister is a most devout member of the Church, and worthy of all acceptation. Her Health is very poor. She desires to make a trip to Salt Lake City and work in the Telmple; to be baptized for her health and work for her dead, and afterwards return to Sacramento. Is there any way by which she can secure the needed recom^m^end to admit her to the Temple? The Branch at Sacramento is not fully or- ganize d, it has but a Presiding Elder over it and the traveling Elders laboring there. If there is any way that this Sister can be admited to the Temple to work for her dead and gain a blessing for herself, Please instruct me. .Praying for the blessings of the Lord upon his servant W Wilford, and upon all his associates, I remain very respectfully, Your Brother in the Gospel, E. H. Nye


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Publication of Conference Report begins (replaced by Ensign Conference issue starting in 1965).

Feb 26, 1897