We assembled for a Meeting Orvil E.
Bates presided W Woodruff spok 40 M[inutes] Lot Smith 25 Br Lake 20. We then
Rode to the saw Mill, over a Rough
Road we saw a flock of a Dozen wild
Turkies that were of DiversCoulers
of white, red, & Black, like tame turkies
& not Black like the Eastern tamewild turkies
and they are much Larger some weighing
35 to 40 lbs. The Mill is a steam saw
Mill the one that was at Trumble it has
a capacity for sawing 10,000 feet of Lumber
a day, it is surrounded with an immense
forest of pine & oak timber the surface
of the Earth a good Deal of it it is sprik
sprinkled over with loose stone yet nearly
the whole face of the Earth is covered with
rich luxurious grass which makes good herd
ground for all kinds of stock. I spent the
night with Brother Marrill. All these settlements
live in the United Order & eat at one table
and all seem Happy and contented 10 M[iles]
~ Sunday
25 Sunday I felt unwell took cold I met
with the people at 11 oclok W W spok 1 1/2 Hours
Br Savage 12 M[inutes] we then closed
24 we assembled for a Meeting Orvil E.
Bates presided W Woodruff spok 40 Minutes
Lot Smith 25 Br Lake 20. we then
Rode to the Saw Mill over a Rough
Road we saw a flock of a Dozen wild
Turkies that were of Divers Coulers
of white red & Black like tame turkies
& not Black like the Eastern turkies
and they are much Larger some neeryly
35 to 40 lbs The Mill is a steam saw
Mill the one that was at Tromble it has
a capacity for sawig 10000 feet of Lumber
a day, it is surrounded with an immens
forest of pine & oak timber the surface
of the Earth a good Deel of it it is
sprinkled over with loose stone yet nearly
the whole face of the Earth is Gold with
rich luxuriant grass which makes good hard
ground for all kinds of Stock. I spent the
night with Brother Merrill All the settlement
live in the United Order & eat at one table
and all seem Happy and Contented 10 M
~ Sunday
25 Sunday I felt unwell took Cold I met
with the people at 11 oclok WW spok 1 1/2 Hours
Br Savage 12 M we then clud
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