and labor among ourselves. These
temporal matters are a part
of the labors that we have to per-
form while we are here. Brethren,
when we get on the other side of the
veil and our eyes are opened, we will
marvel over a great many things that
we do not understand here; and a
great many things will there be un-
derstood that cannot be here.
One subject more I want to name,
and that is with regard to our future.
I will tell you what the Lord has re-
vealed to me. You talk of revelation.
I have a go[o]d many revelations. We
are not particularly required to write
all the revelations given to us.
wrote revelations in his day,
and we have them to read, and they
will all be fulfilled to the very letter.
There has been a good deal said about
the rising generation of the Latter-
Day Saints. I will tell you what
will come to pass. My sons, the
sons of my Counselors, the sons of
these Apostles, and the sons of
this people, will rise up by
the power of God, and they
will take this Kingdom and bear it off.
You need make no mistake about this
matter. They are the element that
God has ordained, the same as He
ordained us, to do His work. Our
posterity will not forsake the Lord, nor
their fathers, nor their mothers, nor
the work in which they are engaged.
Too many of them, it is true, have
been led astray; too many of them
have been found where they should
not be; but the bulk of the sons of this
people will remain true and faithful to
this work. There is no other element
that the heavens look to but the rising
generation of the Latter-day Saints, in
connection with the Lamanites, and
they will be true and faithful. The
Spirit of God will be with them, and
they will follow the footsteps of their
fathers, as their fathers follow Christ;
and they will in their day and time
stand—yes, brethren and sisters, our
sons will stand in the flesh in the midst
of these judgments of Almighty God
when it will require faith and power,
even to commanding the elements to
obey them, to live. These judgments
are at the door.
Brethren and sisters, many of us
forget at times that we are here on a
mission. When I was but a boy I read
the New Testament, under old Dr.
and others, and I read about
Jesus Christ and His Apostles; that
they had power to command the ele-
ments to obey them, power to com-
mand the sick and they were healed,
and power to command the dead and
they were raised to life. "Oh," said I,
"may I live to se[e] a Prophet; may I live
to see an Apostle; may I live to see a
man of God who will teach me these
principles." The first sermon I heard
preached by a servant of God I em-
braced the Gospel and was baptized.
From that day to this I have not seen
one moment when I have had
any doubt with regard to the truth
of this work. Whatever trials I
have had, they have been
of a different nature to that. I say
to our young men in Zion, arise
and obey the commands of God. Go before
the Lord and get the Holy Ghost, and
open your eyes to the work that lies
before you. Your fathers are passing
away and going to the other side of the
veil, where we shall all go in our time.
But the kingdom will rise, and God
will sustain it, and it will never fall
from this time till it is prepared as the
Bride, the Lamb's wife, for the coming
of the Son of Man.
I feel to bless the Latter-day Saints.
We have got a noble class of men and
women in the mountains of Israel. No
better men and women ever lived on
the earth. Read the history of these
Relief Societies, these Improvement
Associations, these Primaries, and the
labors of our sisters in Israel. They
have been true and faithful all the
way through, and they have
been raised up, the same as
the Elders of Israel have, to
stand in the flesh and to magnify their
callings in their day and time. They
are doing a great work, and God will
bless them, and I bless them with
every sentiment of my heart. I feel
also to bless my brethren who bear the
Apostleship. Now, you talk about
union. Can Apostles dwell with this
work upon their shoulders without
being united? They cannot do it. The
same Spirit bears record to each of
them. Here are my Counselors and the
Apostles, we are of one heart and
mind, and when we have the there is nothing but that we see
alike in. Here is Brother , an
aged man as well as myself, and the
President of the Twelve Apostles; he
has got the spirit of his calling and
office with him, and God is blessing
him. He is full of revelation, full of
the Spirit of the Lord. We have a
mighty work upon us, and we want
power in the midst of Israel to carry
it out, and to do what the Lord
requires of us; and we shall have
power to do it. I tell you I rejoice
when I let my mind rest upon these
temples of our God in these mountains
of Israel. Who ever heard of such a
thing in any generation?—a class of
men driven from the society of the
Christian world into the wilderness
have power to gather together and rear
these temples unto the name of the
Most High God, and go into these
temples and to attend to the ordinances
therein. We hold and will hold the
keys of the salvation of our dead to the
endless ages of eternity. As the
Prophet said, the Lord has raised up
saviors upon Mount Zion, while the
kingdom is the Lord's in the latter
days. The heavens are full of . The earth is full of revelation.
The Bible is full of revelation, as well
as these other books that we have;
and we have revelation, and should
have day by day.
I thank God that I am alive, and
that He has preserved me up to this
hour. I have a good many times, and
some of them lately, come pretty near
going to the other side of the veil; but I
know that I have tens of thousands of
prayers of righteous men and women,
which ascend into the ears of the Lord
of Sabaoth day by day; and when I
say that of myself I say it of my Coun-
selors, of these Apostles, and of the
Elders of Israel. They have the
prayers of the people. These prayers
are heard and answered. The Lord
has taken whom he would take, and
has preserved in life whom he would
preserve, according to the counsels of
His own will. We are appointed a
certain work, and when we get through
our sons will take it and bear it off.
Zion will arise, and the glory of God
will rest upon her; she will have power
in the earth, and the day is at hand
when, as Joseph Smith said, thou-
sands of the great men of the earth will
come to Zion to behold the glory
God bless you, and pour out His Spirit
upon you, and guide and direct you
all. Remember your prayers. Be
kind to one another. Do not find fault
with one another. We ought to be
careful in speaking evil of one another.
Bear one another up. Brethren and
sisters, the glory of the whole matter is,
that when we get through we are go-
ing to have our families with us—our
fathers and our mothers, our brothers
and our sisters, our wives and our
children—in the morning of the
resurrection, in the family organization
of the celestial world, to dwell forever
and forever. This is worth all you or
I can sacrifice the few years we have
to spend here in the flesh. God bless
you. Amen.
and labor among ourselves. These temporal
matters are a part
of the labors that we have to perform while we are here. Brethren,
when we get on the other side of the
veil and our eyes are opened, we will
marvel over a great many things that
we do not understand here; and a
great many things will there be understood that cannot be here.
One subject more I want to name,
and that is with regard to our future.
I will tell you what the Lord has revealed to me. You talk of revelation.
I have a good many revelations. We
are not particularly required to write
all the revelations given to us. wrote revelations in his day,
and we have them to read, and they
will all be fulfilled to the very letter.
There has been a good deal said about
the rising generation of the LatterDay Saints. I will tell you what will come to pass.My sons, the
sons of my Counselors, the sons of
these Apostles, and the sons of
this people, will rise up by
the power of God, and they
will take this Kingdom and bear it off.
You need make no mistake about this
matter. They are the element that
God has ordained, the same as He
ordained us, to do His work. Our
posterity will not forsake the Lord, nor
their fathers, nor their mothers, nor
the work in which they are engaged.
Too many of them, it is true,
have been led astray; too many of them have
been found where they should not be; but the bulk of the sons of this people will remain true and faithful
to this work. There is no other element
that the heavens look to but the rising
generation of the Latter-day Saints, in
connection with the Lamanites, and
they will be true and faithful. The
Spirit of God will be with them, and
they will follow the footsteps of their
fathers, as their fathers follow Christ;
and they will in their day and time
stand-yes, brethren and sisters, our
sons will stand in the flesh in the midst
of these judgments of Almighty God
when it will require faith and power,
even to commanding the elements to
obey them, to live. These judgments
are at the door.
Brethren and sisters, many of us
forget at times that we are here on a
mission. When I was but a boy I read
the New Testament, under old Dr.
and others, and I read about
Jesus Christ and His Apostles; that
they had power to command the elements to obey them, power to command the sick and they were hea
led, and power to command the dead and they were raised to life. "Oh," said I,
"may I live to se a Prophet; may I live
to see an Apostle; may I live to see a
man of God who will teach me these
principles." The first sermon I heard
preached by a servant of God I embraced the Gospel and was baptized.
From that day to this I have not seen
one moment when I have had
any doubt with regard to the truth
of this work. Whatever trials I
have had, they have been
of a different nature to that. I say
to our young men in Zion, arise
and obey the commands of God. Go before
the Lord and get the Holy Ghost, and
open your eyes to the work that lies
before you. Your fathers are passing
away and going to the other side of the
veil, where we shall all go in our time.
But the kingdom will rise, and God
will sustain it, and it will never fall
from this time till it is prepared as the
Bride, the Lamb's wife, for the coming
of the Son of Man.
I feel to bless the Latter-day Saints.
We have got a noble class of men and
women in the mountains of Israel. No
better men and women ever lived on
the earth. Read the history of these
Relief Societies, these Improvement
Associations, these Primaries, and the
labors of our sisters in Israel. They
have been true and faithful all the
way through, and they have
been raised up, the same as
the Elders of Israel have, to
stand in the flesh and to magnify their
callings in their day and time. They
are doing a great work, and God will
bless them, and I bless them with every
sentiment of my heart. I feel also to bless my brethren who bear the
Apostleship. Now, you talk about
union. Can Apostles dwell with this
work upon their shoulders without
being united? They cannot do it. The
sameSpirit bears record to each of
them.Here are my Counselors and the
Apostles, we are of one heart and
mind, and when we have the Spirit of
God there is nothing but that we see
alike in. Here is Brother Snow, an
aged man as well as myself, and the
President of the Twelve Apostles; he
has got the spirit of his calling and
office with him, and God is blessing
him. He is full of revelation, full of
the Spirit of the Lord. We have a
mighty work upon us, and we want
power in the midst of Israel to carry
it out, and to do what the Lord
requires of us; and we shall have
power to do it. I tell you I rejoice
when I let my mind rest upon these
temples of our God in these mountains
of Israel. Who ever heard of such a
thing in any generation?-a class of
men driven from the society of the
Christian world into the wilderness
have power to gather together and rear
these temples unto the name of the
Most High God, and go into these
temples and to attend to the ordinances
therein. We hold and will hold the
keys of the salvation of our dead to
the endless ages of eternity. As the
Prophet said, the Lord has raised up
saviors upon Mount Zion, while the
kingdom is the Lord's in the latter
days. The heavens are full of revelation. The earth is full of revelation.
The Bible is full of revelation, as well
as these other books that we have;
and we have revelation, and should
have day by day.
I thank God that I am alive, and
that He has preserved me up to this
hour. I have a good many times, and
some of them lately, come pretty near
going to the other side of the veil; but I
know that I have tens of thousands of
prayers of righteous men and women,
which ascend into the ears of the Lord
of Sabaoth day by day; and when I
say that of myself I say it of my Counselors, of these Apostles, and of the
Elders of Israel. They have the
prayers of the people. These prayers
are heard and answered. The Lord
has taken whom he would take, and
has preserved in life whom he would
preserve, according to the counsels of
His own will. We are appointed a
certain work, and when we get through
our sons will take it and bear it off.
Zion will arise, and the glory of God
will rest upon her; she will have power
in the earth, and the day is at hand
when, as Joseph Smith said, thousands of the great men of the earth will
come to Zion to behold the glory
God bless you, and pour out His Spirit
upon you, and guide and direct you
all.Remember your prayers. Be
kind to one another. Do not find fault
with one another. We ought to be
careful in speaking evil of one another.
Bear one another up. Brethren and
sisters, the glory of the whole matter is,
that when we get through we are going to have our families with us-our
fathers and our mothers, our brothers
and our sisters, our wives and our
children-in the morning of the
resurrection, in the family organization
of the celestial world, to dwell forever
and forever. This is worth all you or
I can sacrifice the few years we have
to spend here in the flesh. God bless
you. Amen.