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Harold B. Lee Library

Collection Name Deseret News
Collection Description The Deseret News was the first newspaper published in the Utah Territory: the weekly edition began June 15, 1850; the semi-weekly edition was added October 8, 1865; and the daily edition began November 21, 1867.
Collection Number Deseret News 1892-10-22
Collection Box Volume 45
Collection Folder Number 18
Collection Page 18
Source Link Brigham Young University
Rights and Use Copyright and Use Information
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246 mentions
Scriptural Figure
297 mentions
Scriptural Figure
4 mentions
Scriptural Figure
54 mentions
Scriptural Figure
86 mentions
Scriptural Figure
13 mentions
Scriptural Figure
101 mentions
Scriptural Figure
171 mentions
Scriptural Figure
12 mentions
Scriptural Figure

180 mentions
Scriptural Figure
123 mentions
Scriptural Figure
47 mentions
Scriptural Figure
13 mentions
Scriptural Figure
29 mentions
Scriptural Figure
212 mentions
Scriptural Figure
105 mentions
Scriptural Figure
15 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Elijah Fordham
12 Apr 1798 - 9 Sep 1879
Joseph Bates Noble
14 Jan 1810 - 17 Aug 1900
David Wyman Patten
14 Nov 1799 - 25 Oct 1838
140 mentions
Hyrum Smith
9 Feb 1800 - 27 Jun 1844
427 mentions
Joseph Smith (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844
Lorenzo Snow
3 Apr 1814 - 10 Oct 1901
708 mentions
Apostle, Family
John Taylor, b. 1808
1 Nov 1808 - 25 Jul 1887
1966 mentions
Brigham Young
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3470 mentions
Apostle, Family


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View selected quotes from this page in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

These Latter-day Saints bear record to the world, and have borne record for almost a generation past, that Joseph Smith was a Prophet of God; that they know this work is of God, and hat this is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They are held responsible for this, and if they bear a true testimony, the na- tions of the earth who hear that testi- mony will be held responsible for the use they make of it.
~ Wilford Woodruff
I have been taught from my childhood up by the revelations of God in the records of divine truth that have been given to us, that there is one God, and that there is one Jesus Christ, who is the Savior of the world, and the only Savior pertaining to this world and to the redemption thereof. I have been taught that there is one Priesthood, in its two divisions. I have been taught that there is one Holy Ghost, and that there is one Gospel and one set of ordinances for the salvation of the whole posterity of Adam, and only one. I have been taught that these ordinances are the same in every age of the world. Whoever reads the New Testament can see the testimony of the Apostles that there was but one Gospel in that day and generation; and that Gospel was taught by Adam himself to his posterity. The same Gospel was taught by Moses, and by all the patriarchs and prophets down to the days of Jesus Christ. There was but the one Gospel. But the promise was that whoever received that Gospel should receive the Holy Ghost and the gifts thereof, and these gifts were made manifest from generation to generation when the God of heaven had a people on the face of the earth.
~ Wilford Woodruff
I have traveled, I may say, in the midst of visions, in the midst of the administration of angels, in the midst of the power of God. In connection with my brethren, I have laid hands upon the sick, and they have recovered. We have laid hands upon the blind, and they have seen; upon the deaf, and they have heard; upon the lame, and they have walked; upon those possessed with devils, and they were cast out; and even unto the resurrection of the dead. Those gifts and graces that have followed the servants of God in every age of the world have been associated with this Church from the day of its organization until this hour.
~ Wilford Woodruff

The inspiration of the Holy Ghost deceives no man, and when any people receive this Gospel and this Priesthood, they know for themselves whether the work is of God or not.
~ Wilford Woodruff
Oh! ye Latter-day Saints, you talk about revelation, and wonder if there is any revelation. Why, bless your souls, say nothing about the Apostles and Elders around me, these mountains contain thousands upon thousands of devoted women, holy women, righteous women, virtuous women, who are filled with the inspiration of Almighty God. Yes, these women have brought forth an army of sons and daughters in these mountains by the power of God, and these sons and daughters partake of the inspiration of their mothers, as well as of their fathers.
~ Wilford Woodruff
Yes, we have revelation. The Church of God could not live twenty-four hours without revelation.
~ Wilford Woodruff
Why, bless your souls, say nothing about the Apostles and Elders around me, these mountains contain thousands upon thousands of devoted women, holy women, righteous women, virtu- ous women, who are filled with the inspiration of Almighty God. Yes, these women have brought forth an army of sons and daughters in these mountains by the power of God, and these sons and daughters partake of the inspiration of their mothers, as well as of their fathers.
~ Wilford Woodruff
But in the days of the Savior it was a dispensa- tion of sacrifice; and Jesus Christ and the Apostles only lived a little while after they were chosen, to warn the nation in which they dwelt and that generation. Jesus Christ was crucified, the Apostles were put to death, and most every man who bore the Priest- hood was slain, excepting John the Revelator. The Lord had ordained him to live, and he did not die, but remains today upon the face of the earth, in fulfilment of the promises of God to him. But in that day they had not the privilege of building the Zion of God or the Kingdom of God.
~ Wilford Woodruff
I do not believe there ever was a greater dispensation than the one in which you and I live, because in it is cen- tred the fulfillment of all prophecy and all revelation that has been mani- fest looking to the final restoration of all things before the coming of the Son of Man.
~ Wilford Woodruff
This is the only dispensation that I have ever read of in which the Father and Son both appeared to the man whom He had chosen to establish His Church. Joseph Smith received this great honor. He was a Prophet of God. I have traveled with him a good many miles. Speaking of the gifts and graces manifested by the Elders of Israel, I have seen Joseph Smith in one day go forth among the sick and command those that were dying to arise and be made whole, and they have leaped from their beds, been clothed, and walked out in the street and followed the Prophet of God in his travels through the midst of the Saints of God. Can I doubt this work? Can you doubt it? I think not. No man that has had any experience in this work can doubt it.
~ Wilford Woodruff
You remember Brother Fordham. He was breath- ing his last breath of life when the Prophet took him by the hand and commanded him in the name of Jesus of Nazareth to arise and be made whole. He leaped from his bed, was clothed, and walked out and into the house of Brother Joseph Bates Noble, who is still living in these mountains. He was also lying at the point of death and was instantly healed by the power of God, through the voice of the Prophet of God. I name these things because I have had experience in them and have a right to mention them. The power of God was with the Prophet, from the time he was ordained to the Priesthood until he was murdered. He lived some four- teen years after he laid the foundation of this work. And when he organized this Church he organized it in its full power and glory, and every gift and grace, and every ordinance that belongs to the Church of God.
~ Wilford Woodruff
Nothing was ever manifest in any age of the world but what was included in the organization of this Church. It was organized with Prophets, with Apostles, with Pastors, with Teachers, with helps and governments, with gifts and graces, and with the Mel- chisedek and Aaronic Priesthoods. Joseph Smith was true and faithful to death, and he was a mighty man of God, as may be seen by anyone who will read that code of revelations which he left to us—as sublime revelations as God ever gave to man.
~ Wilford Woodruff
Then what is our duty and our position here? The Lord told us through the Prophet Joseph in the beginning of this work that He was going to call Elders into the vineyard for the last time, to prune the vineyard. We have got to prepare it for the coming of the Son of Man. The wheat has got to be gathered into the garner before the chaff is burned. And the Elders of Israel have got to go forth and warn the inhabitants of the earth, as Joseph Smith told the Twelve Apostles the last time I saw him be- fore his martyrdom, when he laid be- fore us the work he was required to do. The Prophet said: "God has given to me every key, every power and princi- ple of salvation belonging to this great last dispensation; and I have sealed upon your heads every key, principle and power which God has sealed upon me. Now, you Apostles, round up your shoulders and bear off this king- dom, or you will be damned, saith the Lord." I do not forget these things, and they are true. I believe I am the only man living in the flesh who was present on that occasion. This is our position, brethren and sisters, before the Lord. There is a tremendous responsibility upon these Latter- day Saints. We have the world to warn. We have to preach the Gospel, and attend to those things that God has committed to us.
~ Wilford Woodruff
What the Lord requires at the hands of these Apostles, and Elders and Latter- day Saints is to warn the world, to preach the Gospel, to build up Zion, to carry out the purposes of the Lord, and to prepare ourselves to stand in holy places while the judgments of God work in the earth.
~ Wilford Woodruff
Joseph Smith revealed unto us the principle of the redemption of the dead. There was no revelation I ever read that gave me more joy and con- solation than that. Jesus Christ and the Apostles had to go to the spirits in prison and redeem those who had lived from the days of Noah down to their generation. Here we have one thous- and eight hundred years, during which millions and millions of the human family have died without the Gospel of Christ. They have gone into the spirit world, and the Lord expects these Lat- ter-day Saints to go forth and redeem these dead, as they hold the keys of the salvation of their dead; so that when they go into the spirit world and meet their fathers and their mothers and their relatives, they shall not say to them, "You held the keys of my salvation, and you have not attended to this work, and I am left here in prison." We should not neglect this.
~ Wilford Woodruff
The eyes of all the heavenly hosts are over these Latter-day Saints, and they are over these sons and daughters that dwell in the mountains of Israel. God Himself and His Son Jesus Christ, who is our advocate with the Father, look to us to do this work. The eyes of Joseph Smith and every Prophet and Saint of God who dwells in the spirit world are watching over us.
~ Wilford Woodruff
I say to our young men in Zion, arise and obey the commands of God. Go before the Lord and get the Holy Ghost, and open your eyes to the work that lies before you. Your fathers are passing away and going to the other side of the veil, where we shall all go in our time. But the kingdom will rise, and God will sustain it, and it will never fall from this time till it is prepared as the Bride, the Lamb's wife, for the coming of the Son of Man.
~ Wilford Woodruff
We hold and will hold the keys of the salvation of our dead to the endless ages of eternity. As the Prophet said, the Lord has raised up saviors upon Mount Zion, while the kingdom is the Lord's in the latter days.
~ Wilford Woodruff
Remember your prayers. Be kind to one another. Do not find fault with one another. We ought to be careful in speaking evil of one another. Bear one another up. Brethren and sisters, the glory of the whole matter is, that when we get through we are go- ing to have our families with us-our fathers and our mothers, our brothers and our sisters, our wives and our children-in the morning of the resurrection, in the family organization of the celestial world, to dwell forever and forever. This is worth all you or I can sacrifice the few years we have to spend here in the flesh.
~ Wilford Woodruff