It is ours to impart wisdom & knowledge & strength &
salvation to the rulers & people of the great Nation which
gave us birth. Untill they know this & seek it at our
hands they will never arise to any considerable degree
of permanent prosperity & peace. But On the contrary
vexation Disunion perplexity division is their doom and
Bloody wars & pestilence & storms & fires & whirlwinds
& tempest earthquakes & famines will continue to waste
them till they shall be constrained to acknowledge the
hand of God & to humble themselves as in the dust &
seek wisdom & instruction at the hand of prophets &
Apostles as did Kings & rulers in days of Old. Untill
like Nebuchadnezzar they shall acknowledge that God
is a revelator a worker of signs & wonders and an
originator & controllor of political governments.
Yes Mr President Our Nation & the world shall be btaught by the prophets & all Nations feel the influence
of the Institutions now being developted in thes Halls of liberty
the chambers of the Eternal Mountains of Deserett
Let the United States go on in their course own strength
without the inspiration & institutions of the Almighty now
offered them by our Prophets let them spread abroad
their dominions on evry side. Let the principles of conquest
or of annexation add the Canadies British Amarica and
even Greenland on the North, Spanish & Portugue Amaricn
to cape horn on the south. The west Indies on the east & the
Isles of the Pacific including Japan on the west Let these
countries be gathered under the wings of the wide spread eagle
& let them be peopled by the enterprising of all Nations by
Hundreds of Millions. Let their rich & almost boundless resources
be developed by all these & still remain Ignorant &
destitute of the keys of knowledge & power which lead &
govern the destinies of Deseret or of Utah yet shall
the Institutions of that same Utah or of her people outweigh
all this have more present influence in the Destinies of
the world and abide & give Laws & religion to man when
the best of mere human, civil, Political, Moral, social and
religious Institutions has sceased to be And its memory
ownly shadowed forth in the dim History of the past.
* as was^is^ predicted by the Ancient Prophets Though
Heaven & earth should be moved from their foundations
Though the bright lumainary of Day should refuse
its light. The moon cease to fullfill its monthly ordinan[ce] [page covered]
and yonder stars be hurled from their places spheres
yet the government the Nationality the priesthood
the oracles, the religion, the Throne of Israel should nevernot be removed, a man be wanting to fill that Throne
or a priest to minister at the alter of her Holy Temple.
All nations would have to come to worship before the
Lord and from this center they would have drawn their
light & power. Their kings chosen & anointed and
instructed by her Prophets & Apostles would have esstablis[hed] [page torn]
peace & equity & Justice & truth in the earth. In short ther[e] [page torn]
It is ours to impart wisdom & knowledge & strength &
salvation to the Rulers & people of the great Nation which
gave us birth. Untill they know this & seek it at our
hands they will never arise to any considerable degree
of permanent prosperity & peace. But On the contrary
vexation Disunion perplexity division is their doom and
bloody wars & pestilence & storms & fires & whirlwinds
& tempest Earthquakes & famines will continue to waste
them till they shall be constrained to acknowledge the
hand of God & to humble themselves as in the dust &
seek wisdom & instruction at the hand of prophets &
Apostles as did Kings & rulers in days of Old. Untill
like Nebuchadnezzar they shall acknowledge that God
is a Revelator a worker of signs & wonders and an
originator & controllor of political Governments.
Yes Mr President Our Nation & the world shall be
taught by the prophets & all Nations feel the influence
of the Institutions now being developted in thes Halls of liberty
the chambers of the Eternal Mountains of Deserett
Let the United States go on in their own strength
without the inspiration & institutions of the Almighty now
offered them by our Prophets let them spread abroad
their dominions on evry side. Let the principles of conquest
or of annexation add the Canadies British Amarica and
even Greenland on the North, Spanish & Portugue Amarican
to cape horn on the South. The west Indies on the East & the
Isles of the Pacific including Japan on the west Let these
countries be gathered under the wings of the wide spread Eagle
& let them be peopled by the Enterprising of all Nations by
Hundreds of Millions. Let their rich & almost boundless resources
be developed by all these & still remain Ignorant &
destitute of the keys of knowledge & power which lead &
govern the destinies of Deseret or of Utah yet shall
the Institutions of that same Utah or of her people outweigh
all this have more present influence in the Destinies of
the world and abide & give Laws & Religion to Man when
the best of mere human, civil, Political, Moral, social and
Religious Institutions has sceased to be and its memory
ownly shadowed forth in the dim History of the past.
* asis predicted by the Ancient Prophets Though
Heaven & Earth should be moved from their foundations
Though the bright luminary of Day should refuse
its light. The moon cease to fullfill its monthly ordinance
and yonder Stars be hurled from their spheres
yet the Government the Nationality the priesthood
the Oracles, the Religion, the Throne of Israel should
never be removed, a man be wanting to fill that Throne
or a priest to minister at the alter of her Holy Temple.
All nations would have to come to worship before the
Lord and from this center they would have drawn their
light & power. Their Kings chosen & anointed and
instructed by her Prophets & Apostles would have esstablished
peace & Equity & Justice & truth in the Earth. In short there page torn
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"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," December 22, 1852, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 30, 2025,