Religion knowledge or government of God—Our puriton Fathers
fled to the American wilderness to rid themselves from the corr-
uption of ages. Their children made a government wise &
Free. But Alas—The Priesthood—The Power—The religion
of Heaven had long since been lost to man—Prophets &
Apostles were no more—Our Fathers knew this—And tharefore
as wise honest & consistant men they refrained from man
ufacturing a state religion.
Again were the heavens opened. The silence of Ages was broake[n] [page covered]
The gloom of overhanging night was pierced with a ray from
the worlds of endless day. A celestial spark from the heavenly
Altar was rekindled upon the earth. The mystic veil was rent
in twain. And the fogs & mysts of long Ages began to roll away
as the gloom of a long night before the rising dawn. In the midst
of the ownly great & free nation upon the earth the God of Abraham
raised up a mighty Prophet gave him the ancient keys
of religion, government & power & restored the Apostleship
with its keys of revelation vision & Prophecy. Through the
administration of which the laws & government were restored
to man & his kingdom organized upon the earth no more
to be thronewn down. People, Magestrates, senators, govornors,
& states have opposed its progress with fire & sword & death
but all in vain. It has waded through calumny hate & oppression
& blood & fire & martyrdom Till it organized itself amid
the strong holds of these eternal Mountains & stood forth
a Noble spectacle for the wonder & admiration of all Nations
A government created by Heaven preserved by the matchless
power of the Almighty & led amidnd instructed by Prophets &
Apostles with the keys of revelation. The United States
were constrained to recognize & sustain that which no
human power could subdue. Hence the Territorial govern-
ment of Utah. And Hence the local capacity in which
we are now siting as senators & representitives to give
Laws to a Territory. In our Local, political capacity
Executive, Legislative & Judicial we are limited to the geogra-
phical boundaries prescribed by the act of Congress in this
sens our Jurisdiction is bounded by Oregon On the North
by Calafornia on the west By 37 of North Lat on the south
And by the snow clad sumits of the Backbone of our continent
On the east & thus confined in its immediate bearing to a
country not much larger than the British Isles
But the eyes of the Nations are upon us, we are a city on
a hill a candle on a candlestick that cannot be hid [Matthew 5:14]
The great the noble of heart, the enterprising, the oppressed
of all Nations will flow to us as a continues stream
senators govornors kings & rulers will cast their
eyes to Utah & to her Prophets, Apostles, revelations
laws & institutions as a model a pattern in miniature
for the renovation of the world. In our capacity as
Prophets Apostles & Elders we have the keys of Authority
to organize & give laws form & constitution to a thousand
local governments like this. Yes Mr President it is ourse
to teach Judges How to rule, To give senators wisdom & to
repprove instruct & impart wisdom to Presidents and kings
Religion knowledge or Government of God— Our puriton Fathers
fled to the American wilderness to rid themselves from the corr
uption of ages. Their children made a Government wise &
Free. But—Alas— The Priesthood—The Power—The Religion
of Heaven had long since been lost to man— Prophets &
Apostles were no more — Our Fathers knew this — And tharefore
as wise honest & consistent men they refrained from man
ufacturing a State Religion.
Again were the heavens opened. The Silence of Ages was broaken
The gloom of overhanging night was pierced with a ray from
the worlds of Endless day. A Celestial spark from the heavenly
Altar was rekindled upon the Earth. The mystic veil was rent
in twain. And the fogs & mysts of long Ages began to roll away
as the gloom of a long night before the rising dawn. In the midst
of the ownly great & free nation upon the Earth the God of Abraham
raised up a mighty Prophet gave him the ancient keys
of Religion, Government & power & Restored the Apostleship
with its keys of Revelation vision & Prophecy. Through the
administration of which the laws & government were restored
to man & his Kingdom organized upon the Earth no more
to be thrown down. People, Magestrates, Senators, Govornors,
& States have opposed its progress with fire & sword & death
but all in vain. It has waded through calumny hate & oppression
& blood & fire & martyrdom Till it organized itself amid
the strong holds of these Eternal Mountains & Stood forth
a Noble spectacle for the wonder & admiration of all Nations
A Government created by Heaven preserved by the matchless
power of the Almighty & led and instructed by Prophets &
Apostles with the keys of Revelation. The United States
were constrained to recognize & sustain that which no
human power could subdue. Hence the Territorial Government of Utah. And Hence the local capacity in which
we are now siting as Senators & Representitives to give
Laws to a Territory. In our Local, political capacity
Executive, Legislative & Judicial we are limited to the geographical boundaries prescribed by the act of Congress in this
sens our Jurisdiction is bounded by Oregon On the North
by Calafornia on the West by 37 of North Lat on the South
and by the snow clad sumits of the Backbone of our continent
On the East & thus confined in its immediate bearing to a
country not much larger than the British Isles
But the Eyes of the Nations are upon us, we are a city on
a hill a candle on a candlestick that cannot be hid
The great the noble of heart, the Enterprising, the oppressed
of all Nations will flow to us as a continues stream
Senators Govornors Kings & Rulers will cast their
Eyes to Utah & to her Prophets, Apostles, Revelations
laws & institutions as a model a pattern in miniature
for the renovation of the world. In our capacity as
Prophets Apostles & Elders we have the keys of Authority
to Organize & give laws form & constitution to a thousand
local governments like this. Yes Mr President it is ourse
to teach Judges How to rule, To give Senators wisdom & to
repprove instruct & impart wisdom to Presidents and Kings
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," December 22, 1852, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 7, 2025,