29th $40. I received two letters one from Wm
Walkeronecontaining $40 for Thomas Cartwright one from Ezra Cartwrighter I wrote two letters one to Thomas Cart-
wright containing $30 to him one to Wm Walker acknow
leddgeing the recept of $40. I walked through the the
city of Boston with Elder Hardy I went into the courtroo[m]
& saw Dr Webster the testimony to day is in his favor
31thWebsters trial closed to day & it was A serious
solumn court. The Jury after being out A few moments
brought in A verdic of guilty of Murder in the first
degree And He was sentenced by the court to be removed
to prision And at the time Appointed be taken to the place
of Execution & be hung by the neck untill he was dead
I received 2 letters from Ezra Carter & J. Gibson I wrote
2 letters Abram Boynton spent the night with us
~ Sunday
231st Sunday I was sick through the day & mostly confined to
my bed
~ Monday
April 1st I Received A Telegraph Despatch from M. Cannon of St Louis. I went into Boston was still unwell E Snow spent the night with me.
~ Tuesday
2nd I received A letter from Sister Comings & wrote
one letter to J M Bernhisel spent the day packing up
7th Sunday we had our last meeting in Cambridgeport to day I spoke
to the saints was followed by Elder Wallace & others And took the
parting hand with those who tarried. In the evening in company
with Ezra Carter JrElizabeth Foss & Mrs Woodruff I walked to [page torn]
29th FIGURES $40. I received two letters one from Wm
Walkercontaining $40 for Thomas Cartwright one from
Ezra Carter I wrote two letters one to Thomas Cartwright containing $30 to him one to Wm Walker acknow
leddgeing the recept of $40. I walked through the
city of Boston with Elder Hardy I went into the courtroom
& saw Dr Webster the testimony to day is in his favor
FIGURES Websters trial closed to day & it was A serious
solumn court. The Jury after being out A few moments
brought in A verdic of guilty of Murder in the first
degree And He was sentenced by the court to be removed
to Prision And at the time Appointed be taken to the place
of Execution & be hung by the neck untill he was dead
I received 2 letters from Ezra Carter & J. Gibson I wrote
2 letters Abram Boynton spent the night with us
~ Sunday
31st Sunday I was sick through the day & mostly confined to
my bed
~ Monday
April 1st FIGURES I Received A Telegraph Despatch from
M. Cannon of St Louis. I went into Boston was still unwell
E. Snow spent the night with me.
~ Tuesday
2nd FIGURES I received A letter from Sister Comings & wrote
one letter to J M Bernhisel spent the day packing up
7th Sunday we had our last meeting in Cambridge port to day I spoke
to the saints was followed by Elder Wallace & others And took the
parting hand with those who tarried. In the evening in company
with Ezra Carter JrElizabeth Foss & Mrs Woodruff I walked to page torn
"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," February 9, 1850, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed September 11, 2024, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/3109