^friday^ JAN 1st 1847 I spent the day aranging my Journals I spent
the evening with Mrs Woodruff and sister Taylor At a feast
prepared by Br and sister Smoot I administered to 2 that were sick
~ Saturday
2nd I spent the day at home Father Woodruff was sick
~ Sunday
3rd Sunday I preached At Br Vancotts House to that ward
I laid hands upon one sick person and blessed one child
~ Monday
4th I spent the day at home, and evening at Br A. O. Smoo[t]
~ Tuesday
5th I spent this day halling Hay I sent 3 bushels of Meal
in a large salt sack to Br Mercer in the upper Herd
I attended council with the Twelve in the evening
~ Wednesday
6th The coldest day we have had this year in the
morning the Thermometer stood 2 degrees below
zero I spent the day at home Attended meeting in the
evening And ordained A. O. Smoot A Bishop And then
Preached at Sister Taylors
~ Thursday
7th It was colder to day than yesterday it was 8 degrees below zer[o]
I spent the day at home And attended the High council
in the evening. Retired to Bed And dreamed I was with
the Saints Among the Indians. in Peace but suddenly
one came at me in a hostile manner to kill me they shot
at us but no one killed And I awoke & it was a dream
~ Friday
8th It was 20 degrees warmer to day but still vary cold I run
my stove pipe through the roof & put some turf upon the House
Br Fowler returned home this evening being gone 20 da[ys]
Had putty good luck, considering all things He brought
Home 40 gal Honey, 900 lbs pork 40 lb lard 20 lbs Butte[r]
one yoke Beef cattle and sundry other articles
~ Saturday
9th Mercury fell 10 degrees below zero we sold one ox
to Br Rockwood at 2 1/2 cts per lb his meat wait was 893 lb
Amounting to $22.32 1/2 during the evening I took a walk with
Elders Young, Kimball, H Stout & others conversed upon a
variety of subjects.
I went to bed; fell asleep
And dreamed some Indians came in to my house with Axes
with the intent to kill me I got away from them went
into the street And there two men one an Indian stabed me
with knives in the side I Hollowed murder and some
came to my assistance And I awoke. these dreams mean
sumthing some person or persons are plotting against my
life And I am warned against the plots of my enemies
~ Sunday
10th Sunday I met the Saints in our ward O Pratt addr
essed them with an interesting discourse and I followed
we had a good meeting. I again attended meeting in the
evening And preached to the people and had the spirit of
God several of the brethren spoke. I spoke some upon
the resurrection
~ Friday
friday JAN 1st 1847 I spent the day aranging my journals I spent
the evening with Mrs Woodruff and sister Taylor At a feast
prepared by Br and sister Smoot I administered to 2 that were sick
~ Saturday
2nd I spent the day at home Father Woodruff was sick
~ Sunday
3rd Sunday I preached At Br Vancotts House to that ward
I laid hands upon one sick person and blessed one child
~ Monday
4th I spent the day at home, and evening at Br A. O. Smoot
~ Tuesday
5th I spent this day halling Hay I sent 3 bushels of Meal
in a large salt sack to Br Mercer in the upper Herd
I attended council with the Twelve in the evening
~ Wednesday
6th The coldest day we have had this year in the
morning the Thermometer stood 2 degrees below
zero I spent the day at home Attended meeting in the
evening And ordained A. O. Smoot A Bishop and then
Preached at Sister Taylors
~ Thursday
7th It was colder to day than yesterday it was 8 degrees below zero
I spent the day at home And attended the High Council
in the evening. Retired to Bed And dreamed I was with
the Saints Among the Indians. in Peace but suddenly
one came at me in a hostile manner to kill me they shot
at us but no one killed and I awoke & it was a dream
~ Friday
8th It was 20 degrees warmer to day but still vary cold I run
my stove pipe through the roof & put some turf upon the House
Br Fowler returned home this evening being gone 20 days
Had putty good luck, considering all things He brought
Home 40 gal Honey, 900 lbs pork 40 lb lard 20 lbs Butter
one yoke Beef cattle and sundry other articles
~ Saturday
9th Mercury fell 10 degrees below zero we sold one ox
to Br Rockwood at 2 1/2 cts per lb his meat wait was 893 lb
amounting to $22.32 1/2 during the evening I took a walk with
Elders Young, Kimball, H Stout & others conversed upon a
variety of subjects.
I went to bed; fell asleep
And dreamed some Indians came in to my house with Axes
with the intent to kill me I got away from them went
into the street And there two men one an Indian stabed me
with knives in the side I Hollowed murder and some
came to my assistance And I awoke. these dreams mean
sumthing some person or persons are plotting against my
life And I am warned against the plots of my enemies
~ Sunday
10th Sunday I met the Saints in our ward O Pratt addr
essed them with an interesting discourse and I followed
we had a good meeting. I again attended meeting in the
evening And preached to the people and had the spirit of
God several of the brethren spoke. I spoke some upon
the resurrection
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," January 1, 1847 - January 10, 1847, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 15, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/73M8