me to go many Elders in Israel s[om]e [text faded] good men have tryed
it & smutted themselves up so that it is quite a question if
they will ever be washed clean I have said I did not think
their was $1 in $20 paid in Tithing that has Been spent
on the public works but it seems from the Book that
there has been about one fourth the other three fourths
I have had to borrow. If I have to Borrow all the
money that is used and none assist me to pay it it will
make my head ake I have trusted the Lord & served him
all the day long And when I undertake any thing I persevere
untill I accomplish it I see the difference betwen trusting
in God & doing business according to the order of the world
their is not one hair droped from my head unnoticed
& does God not know what I want. their never was a
miracle ownly to the dIgnorant. It is all to be accounted for
on Natural principles. The Lord will not turn stone & clay
into gold to suit me their is enough without it Jesus did not make
Bread out of stone but He had knowledge & power & did call togethe
the elements to make Bread & the elements into the water to make
wine & he can call the elements together to make gold as well
as bread & wine. But the Lord is not going to work a miracle to cloth
us raise your wool & flax & spin & weave it & make it up & not
have to pay cash for evry pound you use & what you by is Hardly
worth making up but what you make is strong & will wear
Brother Major spoke on Home Manufacture a few moments
Wednesday Evening
The Elders filled the House at an early Hour And was Addressed By
President B. Young who arose & said this is certainly a mixed
congregation of all the officers of the Church we are to be instruct
ed in all things. the knowledge that is now in the midst of this people is
more than in all the world besides. All sceience is in the midst of
this people even if they have not learned it as the world has. I have
my cogitations & views of the affairs of this kingdom But I have
learned that we must write work to the scribe if not we may
fail in it But if we work in faith & confidence the Lord is
apt to Help us. I asked a favor of the Bishops to divide the money
debts in each ward, that it might be paid. Let us contend with
ourselves & disipline ourselves untill evry thing that is within us
is brought in subjection to the Law of Christ you have been
taught the first principles of the gospel now teach yourselves &
the Church. Our school is the school of the prophets this is a school
to plain & polish ourselves and suppose under such privilege we
should endulge in evil & neglect our families & our duty to God
all our former sins would be upon our Heads it is for a man
to commit himself & all that He presides over unto gGod to do his will
& continue to do it untill you are sanctifyed. if your Neighbor
does you evil do not do evil to them bear with him & set him
right but dont quarrel with him but be careful that you
conduct yourself well untill you are prepared for the society of Holy
men this is as I said the school of the Prophets Our Baptism is
ownly the Begining of our work you must then go on to perfection
you must perform this work our children understand the gospel
but do they understand the way to govern their lives we will never
se a day but what we can learn we shall not inherit the glory of
God all at once or understand all knowlede but God teaches us small
principles to prepare us for greater ones Let us learn in this school
me to go many Elders in Israel good men have tryed
it & smutted themselves up so that it is quite a question if
they will ever be washed clean I have said I did not think
their was $1 in $20 paid in Tithing that has been spent
on the public works but it seems from the Book that
there has been about one fourth the other three fourths
I have had to borrow. If I have to borrow all the
money that is used and none assist me to pay it it will
make my head ake I have trusted the Lord & served him
all the day long and when I undertake any thing I persevere
untill I accomplish it I see the difference betwen trusting
in God & doing business according to the order of the world
their is not one hair droped from my head unnoticed
& does God not know what I want. their never was a
miracle ownly to the Ignorant. It is all to be accounted for
on Natural principles. The Lord will not turn stone & clay
into gold to suit me their is enough without it Jesus did not make
bread out of stone but He had knowledge & power & did call togethe
the Elements to make bread & the Elements into the water to make
wine & he can call the Elements together to make gold as well
as bread & wine. But the Lord is not going to work a miracle to cloth
us raise your wool & flax & spin & weave it &make it up & not
have to pay cash for evry pound you use & what you by is hardly
worth making up but what you make is strong & will wear
Brother Major spoke on Home manufacture a few momets
Wednesday Evng
The Elders filled the House at an Early Hour and was addressed by
President B. Young who arose & said this is certainly a mixed
congregation of all the Officers of the Church we are to be instruct
ed in all things. the knowledge that is now in the midst of this people is
more than in all the world besides. All sceince is in the midst of
this people even if they have not learned it as the world has. I have
my cogitations & views of the affairs of this kingdom but I have
learned that we must work to the scribe if not we may
fail in it but if we work in faith & confidence the Lord is
apt to Help us. I asked a favor of the Bishops to divide the money
debts in Each ward, that it might be paid. Let us contend with
ourselves & disipline ourselves untill evry thing that is within us
is brought in subjection to the Law of Christ you have been
taught the first principles of the gospel now teach yourselves &
the Church. Our school is the school of the prophets this is a school
to plain & polish ourselves and suppose under such privilege we
should endulge in Evil & neglect our families & our duty to God
all our former sins would be upon our Heads it is for a man
to commit himself & all that He presides over unto God to do his will
& continue to do it untill you are sanctifyed. if your Neighbor
does you Evil do not do evil to them bear with him & set him
right but do not quarrel with him but be careful that you
conduct yourself well untill you are prepared for the society of Holy
men this is as I said the school of the Prophets Our Baptism is
ownly the begining of our work you must then go on to perfection
you must perform this work our children understand the gospel
but do they understand the way to govern their lives we will never
se a day but what we can learn we shall not inherit the glory of
God all at once or understand all knowlede but God teaches us small
principles to prepare us for greater ones Let us learn in this school
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"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," April 7, 1852, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 15, 2025,