In the evening Alfred Smith addressed the Saints dadvoca-
ting the claimes of Gladden Bishop who had tried for
many years to gather a company together that He might
lead them as many other foolish men & fals teachers
have tried to do at different time much confusion
rested upon Alfred Smith while speaking He made
many fals statements, & at the close was followed by
President Young made a few remark after which
Alfred Smith & wife & another person who Joined them
in their sentiments were cut off from the Church
~ Monday to ~ Saturday
Aug 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7. I spent most of this week in drawing and
stacking wheat
~ Sunday
8th Sunday I spent the day at Meeting & reported Presidnt B YoungsdiscoursG. D Watt reported the same as is published
in Extra Deserett News containing the new Revelatin
on Patriarchal Matrimony
11 we took an early Breakfast walked up into the canyon about 3 miles & fished down we caught in
all 203 we had to wallow all day through a hard thicket
in order to keep by the creek it made it vary hard labour
we went home quite weary we had a hard thunder
storm in the canyon 20 [miles]
12, 13, & 14 I went to Cottonwood with Ms Woodruff
spent the time visiting friends & Hunting cattle 30 mils
~ Sunday
15 Sunday I Attended meeting & reported President Youngs sermon one of the greates ever preached it is also
published in the extra star
~ Monday to ~ Thursday
16 17 18 & 19. I went to Mill Creek Canyon each day & got
a load of dry maple wood. each day I had to travel some
34 miles clime the mountain cut some 3/4 cord of wood and
draged it down the mountain loaded it & went home through
a vary bad Road It nearly wore both myself & team out
~ Friday
20 I attended a great feast at the South Cottonwood ward
President Young was taken quite sick so he could not
attend Brothe kimball, O prat & W Woodrff of the 12
were there & a great collection of people speaches were
made by President Kimball O Pratt & W Woodruff of
the 12, & W W Phelps Bishop Hunter & others
In the evening Alfred Smith addressed the Saints advocating the claimes of Gladden Bishop who had tried for
many years to gather a company together that he might
lead them as many other foolish men & fals teachers
have tried to do at different time much confusion
rested upon Alfred Smith while speaking he made
many fals statements, & at the close was followed by
President Young made a few remark after which
Alfred Smith & wife & another person who Joined them
in their sentiments were cut off from the Church
~ Monday to ~ Saturday
Aug 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7. I spent most of this week in drawing and
stacking wheat
~ Sunday
8th Sunday I spent the day at Meeting & reported President
B Youngs discours G. D Watt reported the same as is published
in Extra Deserett News containing the new Revelatin
on Patriarchal Matrimony
~ Monday
9th I cut a load of wood & drew it home
~ Tuesday
10 [FIGURE] In company with Samuel Hardy & Father Woodruff
I went to Parley Canyon & caught 39 Trout & camped for
the nigh & cooked our fish
~ Wednesday
11 we took an Early Breakfast walked up into the
canyon about 3 miles & fished down we caught in
all 203 we had to wallow all day through a hard thicket
in order to keep by the creek it made it vary hard labour
we went home quite weary we had a hard thunder
Storm in the canyon 20
11th I spent the day at home we had a Rain Storm
~ Thursday to ~ Saturday
12 13 & 14 I went to Cottonwood with Ms Woodruff
spent the time visiting friends & Hunting cattle 30 mils
~ Sunday
15 Sunday I attended meeting & reported President
Youngs sermon one of the greates ever preached it is also
published in the extra star
~ Monday to ~ Thursday
16 17 18 & 19. I went to Mill Creek Canyon each day & got
a load of dry maple wood. each day I had to travel some
34 miles clime the mountain cut some 3/4 cord of wood and
draged it down the mountain loaded it & went home through
a vary bad road It nearly wore both myself & team out
~ Friday
20 I attended a great feast at the South Cottonwood ward
President Young was taken quite sick so he could not
attend Brother Kimball, O prat & W Woodrff of the 12
were there & a great collection of people speaches were
made by President Kimball O Pratt & W Woodruff of
the 12, & W W Phelps Bishop Hunter & others
"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," August 1, 1852 - August 20, 1852, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 8, 2025,