28th I returned to the city with my family I there
learned that some Brethren had Arived from Calafornia
Bringing A Mail with them bearing the news that Brigham
Young was Appointed our Governor L. W. Heywood state
Marshall the Judges to be sent from the states. There was great
rejoiceing in the valley that the Government had given us our
choice in a Governor President Young had gone North on
a mission was within 15 miles of the city the Band of
Music & an escort went out to meet him & on ourtheir
arival in the city A salute of 10 guns was given & fire
works &c I shook hands with the Govornor at his house
& spent the evening with him & council at his house
the News brought is that the people are holding large mass
Meeting in the states against slavery that the gold digers
were dying 20 per day
~ Wednesday
29th I spent the day at home I received to day for the first
time the deserett Almanac got up By W W Phelps
~ Thursday
30th I dined at the Bath House with The Presidency
of the Church and the Twelve & their families the
keeper of the Bath House Brother Hendricks had a daughter Married the ceremony was performed By
President Young a[f]ter which He addressed the Assembly
& said here are elements gathered together which
will create & make a heaven or create & make a Hell Just
as the course you choose to persue He exhorted the
people to righteousness & wished them to keep the command-
ments of God we spent the evenigng together
Feb 1st I Bought a ten acre lot of [blank] Brown in
the Big field for Sarah B. Foss paid $120 for the same
rode down to the lot & back to the city
~ Sunday
2nd ^^ Sunday the congregation met at the Bower and
Mr Bateman requested the privilege of Addressing the meet-
ing in behalf of Eligjah the prophet who He sayes is in this city president Young made some remarks before He
spoke Bateman Addressed the meeting 9 minutes & bro-
ught forth Just Nothing. President Young followed
And said we have herd what Bateman Had to say but
He has brought forth Nothing many have arisen in these
last days professing to be Elijah the prophet but they have bro-
ught forth Nothing of interest to the people will any one tell
me what the office of Elijah the prophet was to be to the
Earth when He come the Answer is to turn the hearts of the
children to their fathers & the fathers to the children lest I
come & smite the whole Earth with a curse [Malachi 4:6] the Answer
~ Monday
& back again & spent the night with R. Allexander 20
~ Tuesday
28th I returned to the city with my family I there
learned that some brethren had arived from Calafornia
bringing a mail with them bearing the news that Brigham
Young was appointed our Governor L. W. Heywood state
Marshall the Judges to be sent from the states. There was great
rejoiceing in the valley that the Government had given us our
choice in a Governor President Young had gone North on
a mission was within 15 miles of the City the Band of
Music & an Escort went out to meet him & ontheir
arival in the City a salute of 10 guns was given & fire
works &c I shook hands with the Govornor at his house
& spent the evening with him & council at his house
the News brought is that the people are holding large mass
Meeting in the states against slavery that the gold digers
were dying 20 per day
~ Wednesday
29th I spent the day at home I received to day for the first
time the deserett Almanac got up by W W Phelps
~ Thursday
30th I dined at the Bath House with The Presidency
of the Church and the Twelve & their families the
keeper of the Bath House Brother Hendricks had a
daughter married the ceremony was performed by
President Young after which he addressed the assembly
& said here are elements gathered together which
will create & make a heaven or create & make a hell Just
as the course you choose to persue He exhorted the
people to righteousness & wished them to keep the commandments of God we spent the evening together
Feb 1st I bought a ten acre lot of [blank] Brown in
the Big field for Sarah B. Foss paid $120 for the same
rode down to the lot & back to the city
~ Sunday
2nd [FIGURE] Sunday the congregation met at the Bower and
Mr Bateman requested the privilege of addressing the meeting in behalf of Elijah the prophet who he sayes is in this
city president Young made some remarks before he
spoke Bateman addressed the meeting 9 minutes & brought forth Just Nothing President Young followed
and said we have herd what Bateman had to say but
he has brought forth Nothing many have arisen in these
last days professing to be Elijah the prophet but they have brought forth Nothing of interest to the people will any one tell
me what the office of Elijah the prophet was to be to the
Earth when he come the answer is to turn the hearts of the
children to their fathers & the fathers to the children lest I
come & smite the whole Earth with a curse the answer
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," January 27, 1851 - February 2, 1851, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 2, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/Dk2k